
Der Lärm - Eine Kampfschrift gegen die Geräusche unseres Lebens

Read by Claus Misfeldt

Theodor Lessing

Jeder hat sich wohl schon einmal über lärmende Zeitgenossen geärgert. Der von Mitmenschen verursachte Krach ist seit je her e…

Practical Mysticism (Version 2)

Read by Owlivia

Evelyn Underhill

I write only for the larger class which, repelled by the formidable appearance of more elaborate works on the subject, would yet like to kno…

Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress

Read by LucieLutin

Henry Salt

In the book, Salt argues against the idea of speciesism, though the term was not coined for another 76 years.The book also argues against vi…

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