Paul Elard Cooley
Closet Treats

Read by Paul Elard Cooley
Reality is a slippery slope for Trey Leger. He's managed to carve out a somewhat normal existence in spite of his mental illness. But when…

Read by Paul Elard Cooley
Scars. They remind us who we are, what we are and where we have been.But when a scar takes away your identity, what would you do to get it b…
Garaaga's Children - Volume 1

Read by Paul Elard Cooley
From prehistoric time to the present, one blood line has endured. Garaaga's children range from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia to Jerusalem…
Garaaga's Children - Volume 1

Read by Paul Elard Cooley
From prehistoric time to the present, one blood line has endured. Garaaga's children range from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia to Jerusalem…