Herbert George Jenkins
Patricia Brent, spinster

Read by Anna Simon
A romantic comedy, written in 1918, but with a modern feel to it. Patricia Brent one day overhears two fellow-boarders pitying her because s…
Malcolm Sage, Detective

Read by Anna Simon
A collection of short stories that chronicles the first year of the Malcolm Sage Detective Bureau.Sequel or companion story of John Dene of …
The Return of Alfred

Read by Anna Simon
The hero of the book is at a loose end, weary and bored of his old life after returning from the Great War. After an argument with his uncle…
The Rain-Girl

Read by Anna Simon
Richard Beresford has recently returned from the WW-I trenches. He feels he can't go back to his old life in the Foreign Office. Instead, he…

Read by Don W. Jenkins
Herbert Jenkins' most popular fictional creation was Mr. Joseph Bindle, who first appeared in a humorous novel in 1916 and in a number of se…
Adventures of Bindle

Read by Don W. Jenkins
Jenkins' most popular fictional creation was Mr. Joseph Bindle, who first appeared in a humorous novel in 1916 and in a number of sequels. I…
Mrs. Bindle

Read by Don W. Jenkins
Herbert Jenkins' most popular fictional creation was Mr. Joseph Bindle, who first appeared in a humorous novel in 1916 and in a number of se…
John Dene of Toronto; a Comedy of Whitehall

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
John Dene comes to England with a great invention, and the intention of gingering-up the Admiralty. His directness and unconventional method…
The Night Club

Read by Lee Smalley
This work of fiction by Herbert Jenkins (1876-1923) features one of his best-loved comic characters, the affable Cockney, Joseph Bindle. It …