¿Qué puede ser mejor que la descripción de viajes de exploración a tierras desconocidas escrito en verso? Esta c…
A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, four-legged beasts and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up your…
Συλλογή Ελληνικών δημοτικών τραγουδιών του Ν. Πολίτη, τμήμα του έργου του: Μελέται περί του βίου του Ελληνικού λαού.
The sequel to Martha-by-the-day. Despite others' wishes for Martha, that she rise above her station, she remains stoutly Martha, care-giver …
Homer's "The Odyssey" forms the template of practically every adventure story that has been told in the West since it was composed…
Titan of Weird Fiction Algernon Blackwood brings to us a captivating collection of stories that shows the power and glory of Nature and the …
Frank Spalding, a young diplomat, finds himself embroiled in political intrigue and global espionage when he is stationed in Italy. With ma…
This is a tale of the French expedition into Egypt led by Napoleon Bonaparte, aimed to establish a French colony in Egypt and to threaten En…
Why would someone with an immaculate reputation enter a house known for vices? A young officer sets out to uncover the "secret" of…
Obra clásica en verso que describe románticamente la historia pre-columbina de México. - Summary by Mario Pineda
En 1794, Xavier de Maistre, juna armea oficiro, estas kondamnita resti ses semajnojn en sia ĉambro post partopreno en duelo. Sed nenia karce…
Captain Patrick Dalroy and Humphrey Pump take to the road in a donkey cart with a cask of good rum, a giant round of cheese, and the signpos…
One way of studying the Bible is to get from it practical lessons from our daily life. This is the purpose that is in mind in this book. I…
The comic genius of Wallace Irwin is boldly evident in this saga of the daily life and romantic aspirations of a humble but fervent New York…
Novela corta situada en México, siglo XIX, que se centra en la vida romántica de una joven rica pero mimada. Ella cambiar&aacu…
LibriVox volunteers bring you 21 recordings of Moon-Drowned by James Whitcomb Riley.This was the Weekly Poetry project for September 1, 2024…