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Gravenhurst, or Thoughts on Good and Evil

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Henry Smith

In which an English country gentlemen records his and his friends' conversational observations on misery and happiness, leaning ultimately o…

Emily Hsu - Mahayana Mind Transformation

Emily Hsu

Mahayana Mind Training Wheel of Sharp Weapons Emily Hsu This classic text reveals how we train our minds to face the obstacles and problems …

Grounds and Path of Secret Mantra 20060823

Ven. Geshe Ngawang Dakpa

Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra Restricted to those with Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment. "In brief, the Buddhahood achieved over co…

Wisdom of Emptiness - Class 1

In Discovering Buddhism - Wisdom of Emptiness

Ven. Losang Monlam

The wisdom of emptiness is the ultimate teaching in Buddhism; its main tenet is that our suffering is caused by our inability to perceive th…

Buddhist Psychology; Mind and Mental Process 20060728

In Buddhist Psychology; Mind and Mental Process (Lorig) Complete Series

Emily Hsu

Buddhist Psychology; Mind and Mental Process (Lorig) Complete Series Basic Buddhist Studies Program Emily Hsu "All human accomplishment…

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