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More Goops and How Not to Be Them

Read by Mark F. Smith

Frank Gelett Burgess

Deep in the heart of every parent is the wish, the desire, to have other adults tell us, in an unsolicited way, just how very polite one’s c…

The Federalist Papers (version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison

“The Federalist Papers” are a collection of 85 linked essays that explain the construction of the U.S. government and why it was built that …

Blake of the "Rattlesnake"

Read by Mark F. Smith

Frederick Thomas Jane

Fred Jane, who later went on to publish his famous "Jane's Fighting Ships", doubtless was noting the success of other books that f…

The Red Badge of Courage (Version 3)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Stephen Crane

A youth, caught up in patriotic fervor and dreams of glory, enlists in the Union Army. In his first battle, though, he runs away. Deeply ash…

Americans All, Immigrants All

Read by Mark F. Smith

U. S. Department Of The Interior Office Of Education

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Education partnered with the Columbia Broadcasting System to present a series of 26 …

Relative and Absolute Motion

In Science and Hypothesis

Read by Mark F. Smith

Henri Poincaré

Jules Henri Poincaré (1854 – 1912) was one of France's greatest mathematicians and theoretical physicists, and a philosopher of scien…

Book One - XXV - Between Fire and Water

In In Search of the Castaways

Read by Mark F. Smith

Jules Verne

The book tells the story of the quest for Captain Grant of the Britannia. After finding a bottle cast into the ocean by the captain himself …

15 - How a Cat Was Annoyed and a Poet Was Booted

In Grimm Tales Made Gay

Read by Mark F. Smith

Guy Wetmore Carryl

A comic rendering in verse of well-loved Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, each ending with a moral and full of puns. The titles of the tal…

The Day is Past and Over (translated by J.M. Neale)

In Hymns of the Christian Church

Read by Mark F. Smith

St. Anatolius and Saint Anatolius

A collection of classic Christian hymns spanning the centuries. Some LibriVox volunteers read the hymns; others sung them. (Summary by Leon…

Chapter 01

In Sense and Sensibility (version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Jane Austen

This is a story of the English moneyed class and its eternal struggle for creating “sense and sensibility” in its world. A potential marriag…

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