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Wellbeing and Inequality in Post-Industrial Society

In European Studies Centre

Read by Adair Turner, Timothy Garton Ash, Michael Göring, Robert Skidelsky and Paul Collier


University of Oxford Podcasts

Isaiah Berlin and the Challenge of Multiculturalism Part 1

In The Isaiah Berlin Lecture

Read by Timothy Garton Ash


University of Oxford Podcasts

Timothy Garton Ash on Free Speech Debate

In Free Speech Debate

Read by Timothy Garton Ash


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Europe for our grandchildren?

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Timothy Garton Ash


University of Oxford Podcasts

Wellbeing and Inequality in Post-Industrial Society

In St Antony's College Podcasts

Read by Adair Turner


St Antony's College is the most international of the six graduate colleges of the University of Oxford, specialising in international relati…


Read by Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Neurosurgeon Julia Nolan places cortical implants into the brains of field operatives to record data from their auditory and visual cortices…

The Zaharoff Lecture

Read by Dominique Rabaté and Michael Sheringham

Dominique Rabaté and Michael Sheringham

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Art of Cross-Examination

Read by Joanne Turner

Francis Wellman

A classic text on cross-examination of witnesses, including many examples of techniques used in celebrated cases by such notable attorneys a…

Commentary on Acts of the Apostles

Read by Joanne Turner

Matthew Henry

An exhaustive verse-by-verse study of Acts, integrating it with both the Gospels and the Old Testament, by one of the more unconventional th…

Examining the U.S. Capitol Attack

Read by Joanne Turner

United States Senate

A joint bipartisan report by the U.S. Senate Committees on Homeland Security and Rules and Administration, addressing security, planning, an…

Homecraft Rugs: Their Historic Background, Romance of Stitchery and Method of M…

Read by Joanne Turner

Lydia Le Baron Walker

A tour de force of the history, construction, preservation, and beauty of all types of rugs, with chapters on braided, needlepoint, woven, c…

The Bible in Shakspeare

Read by Joanne Turner

William Burgess

A compendium and analysis of similarities between the Bible and passages in Shakespeare's plays and other works, including Biblical referenc…

History of The New York Times, 1851-1921

Read by Joanne Turner

Elmer Holmes Davis

A beautifully written and witty history of The New York Times, and of newspaper publishing in general, from the 1850s to 1921 by three-time …

United States Senate Election, Expulsion, and Censure Cases, 1793-1990

Read by Joanne Turner

Anne M. Butler and Wendy Wolff

Article I, section 5, of the United States Constitution gives each house of Congress power to judge the elections, returns, and qualificatio…

Worker Classification: Employee Status Under the National Labor Relations Act,…

Read by Joanne Turner

Jon Shimabukuro

A brief summary of the standards for classifying workers as either employees or independent contractors under various federal labor laws and…

Egyptian Tales, translated from the Papyri, Series One

Read by Timothy Ferguson

William Matthew Flinders Petrie

Brief, and in some cases incomplete, stories of magic from ancient Egypt. (Summary by Timothy Ferguson)

Autobiography of a Seaman, Vol. 1

Read by Timothy Ferguson

Lord Thomas Cochrane

This two volume work is the autobiography of Lord Cochrane, a naval captain of the Napoleonic period. His adventures are seminal to the deve…