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The Adventures of Sir Tristram Part 1

In The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights

Read by Thomas Rose

Sir Thomas Malory and James Knowles

The Publishers have asked me to authorise a new edition, in my own name, of this little book—now long out of print—which was written by me t…

Snow-Flakes - Read by SJM

In Snow-Flakes

Read by Rose 264

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

LibriVox volunteers bring you 21 recordings of Snow-Flakes by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 20…

Chapitre IV. La papauté, l'Allemagne et l'Italie. Henri VI et Frédéric II (de 1…

In Histoire générale du IVe siècle à nos jours. Tome 02. L'Europe féodale, les cro…

Read by Charlotte Rose

Ernest Lavisse and Alfred Nicolas Rambaud

Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Alfred Rambaud et Ernest Lavisse.Le deuxième tome de la série traite des grands é…

The Legend of William Tell

In From the Tower Window of My Bookhouse

Read by Mae Rose

Variousandolive Beaupre Miller

Full of delightful fairy tales, charming poems and engaging stories, this is the fifth volume of the "My Bookhouse" series for lit…

I. A Strange Guide

In The Cave In the Mountain

Read by Thomas Rose

Edward S. Ellis

Edward Sylvester Ellis was a major American author during the era of inexpensive fiction of the nineteenth century (dime novels). Because he…

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