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The Bobolink

In Early Poems

Read by Scott Bennett

James Russell Lowell

This is a volume of the early poems by James Russell Lowell, including a brief biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole. - Summary by Caro…

The Boy and the Dragon

In Canadian Fairy Tales

Read by Scott Bennett

Cyrus Macmillan

Professor Macmillan has placed all lovers of fairy tales under a deep debt of obligation to him. The fairy tale makes a universal appeal bot…

The Wooing of Helen of the Fair Hands

In Tales of Troy: Ulysses the Sacker of Cities

Read by Scott Bennett

Andrew Lang

These are short stories about the life of Ulysses, the stealing of Helen, Paris, battles, Trojan horses, and more! - Summary by Maggie Trave…

The Lake - Read by JSB

In The Lake

Read by Scott Bennett

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe (born Edgar Poe) was an American author, poet, editor, and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movemen…

Washington and Lincoln

In Birds and All Nature, Vol. V, No 2 February 1899

Read by Scott Bennett


"Birds and All Nature" was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems and br…

1.3 Trial, Rape, and Murder

In Curiosities of Street Literature

Read by Scott Bennett


This is a collection of broadsides from London. Broadsides are short, popular publications, a precursor to today's tabloid journalism. The c…

Samuel F. B Morse & the Invention of the Telegraph

In Great Inventors and Their Inventions

Read by Scott Bennett

Frank Puterbaugh Bachman

This book is about Great inventors and what they created. It has different stories like Alexander Bell, Wrights, Morse, Gutenberg, and Ediso…

Sustainable finance: Restoring confidence and stability in the financial system

In European Studies Centre

Read by Colin Mayer and Adam Bennett


University of Oxford Podcasts

What is the role of NGOs in the assisted voluntary returns of asylum seekers and…

In Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)

Read by Derek McGhee and Claire Bennett


University of Oxford Podcasts

Legal issues in state censorship

In St Anne's College

Read by Peter McDonald and Liora Lazarus


University of Oxford Podcasts

Work-Life Balance

In Career Equality Talks

Read by Peter Donnelly and Jenny Taylor


University of Oxford Podcasts

Uehiro Seminar: The Value of Uncertainty

In Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

Read by Peter Taylor and Jerome Ravetz


University of Oxford Podcasts

Peter D McDonald in conversation with Antjie Krog

In Writers in Dialogue

Read by Peter McDonald and Antjie Krog


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Nairne Seminar 2013: Lord Mandelson and Evan Davis

In St Catherine's College

Read by Peter Mandelson and Evan Davies


University of Oxford Podcasts

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