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Unseen Menace

In Tarrano the Conqueror

Read by Tony Oliva

Ray Cummings

In "Tarrano the Conqueror" is presented a tale of the year 2430 A.D.--a time somewhat farther beyond our present-day era than we a…

Oration III. - Before the People

In Speeches Against Catilina

Read by Tony Oliva

Marcus Tullius Cicero

This volume contains the four speeches delivered by Cicero in 63 BC, when he was a consul, against the conspiracy headed by L. Sergius Catil…


In Blackthorn Farm

Read by Tony Oliva

Arthur Applin

But he was afraid. He had failed twice already. He could not afford to fail a third time. If he failed ruin faced him, and disgrace. His fat…

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