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WhenLove 02

In When Love Is Not Perfect

Read by Dr. Marie Sontag

Dr. Marie Sontag

Statistics show that as many as one out of every four adults experienced childhood abuse. Therapists agree that a key element in recovery f…

Language and Medieval literature.

In St John's College

Read by Dr Carolyne Larrington


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Five Pillars of Islam

In Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology

Read by Dr Francesca Leoni


University of Oxford Podcasts

Das Bürle

In Märchen 2

Read by Dr. Jochen Kulow

grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Anfang des 19. Jahrhundert begannen die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, traditionelle, bisher vor allem mündlich weitergegebene Er…

Foreword, Sketch of My Life, Hints for Kitchen Maids, Weights & Measures

In Good Things to Eat As Suggested By Rufus

Read by Dr. Pamela Russ

Rufus Estes

Rufus Estes was born a slave in 1857 in Tennessee, and experienced first hand the turmoil of the Civil War. He began working in a Nashville …

2nd St Cross Seminar TT13: Ethics In Finance: A New Financial Theory For A Post-…

In Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

Read by Dr Kara Tan Bhala


University of Oxford Podcasts

مقدمة المؤلف

In Kitab Adab al-Dunya w'al-Din (The Ethics of Religion and of this World)

Read by Youssef Safiljil (Dr. Fighter)

أبو الحسن الماوردي and Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Habib al-Mawardi

Al-Mawardi (Alboacen) was one of the famous Islamic authors and jurists. He was a well-known man in the “Abbassid” empire—a mature thinker w…

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