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Murray's Adirondack Tales

Read by Keith Salis

William Henry Harrison Murray

Two delightful tales surrounding the adventures of John Norton, the Trapper. He gives us a good glimpse into life in the deep woods, and how…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 1: A Lucky Deal; or The 'Cutest Boy in Wall Street

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

A Lucky Deal is a story of a young New York lad who, in the process of looking for a job, becomes a hero and lands a dream job as a messenge…

Daylight Land

Read by Keith Salis

William Henry Harrison Murray

Mr. Murray takes us on an adventure that he has recorded as payment to his family in exchange for their permission to embark upon it. In thi…

When London Burned

Read by Keith Salis

G. A. Henty

Follow the exciting beginnings of the career of Sir Cyril Shenstone. Orphaned at the death of his father, Sir Aubrey Shenstone, Cyril begins…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 2: Born to Good Luck; or The Boy Who Succeeded

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Dick Armstrong is an enterprising young man who works his way out of a slave-labor situation to become a successful businessman at only age …

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 4: A Game of Chance

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Will Sommers is a talented young man who currently works in the Engine Room of a factory, but who is quickly becoming an Engineer. He uses h…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 3: Corner in Corn

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Vance Thornton is a young man who works for a Corn Operator in Chicago. He picked up a lot of important skills by watching his boss, and now…

Old Times in the Colonies

Read by Keith Salis

Charles Carleton Coffin

The discovery and establishment of a new continent! Who owns it? What will you do with it? How shall it be ruled? How shall a sovereign gain…

Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief

Read by Keith Salis

James Fenimore Cooper

Take a fascinating journey from France to America through the "eyes" of a pocket handkerchief. She marvels at the vastness of the …

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 9: Nip and Tuck

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Nip and Tuck are the best of rivals. Throughout the time they've known each other, they seemed to be interested in the same things and in co…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 5: Hard to Beat

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Bob Brooks is a young messenger boy on Wall Street, who uses his business sagacity to take advantage of some serendipitous tips to get a car…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 7: Winning His Way

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

The recent death of Frank Morris' father, Owner and Editor of the Green River Argus, has left his 18 year-old son, Frank to take up the chal…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 6: Building a Railroad

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Don and Gil Winthrop inherited their father's business to construct a railroad in a developing location in upstate New York. Engineers thems…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 11: A Lucky Penny

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Tom Garland is a young man in Boston who is sent to learn a trade at an Industrial Farm near the bay. There he meets another young man who's…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 15: A Streak of Luck

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Some folks are judged by their social or economic standing. Our hero, Ben Bailey, shows that true worth comes from richness of character. Th…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 8: The Wheel of Fortune

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

This is the story of Bert Hawley who, at a young age, saw his mother die of illness and had to fend off his drunken father in their ramshack…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 12: A Diamond in the Rough

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Fred King is a young man who has been working in the coal industry for years, but it hasn't soiled his positive, helpful attitude nor his am…

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 13: Baiting the Bears

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Phil Thorne can really bounce back! The story starts with him unceremoniously losing his job (due to his own indiscretion), but immediately …

Fame and Fortune Weekly No. 10: A Copper Harvest

Read by Keith Salis

Frank Tousey

Jack and Charlie meet a prospector by saving his life. They all join up to start digging into the prospector, Gideon's, copper mine in Monta…

Letters to the Joneses

Read by Keith Salis

Josiah Gilbert Holland

We watch our news and live our lives and see many things wrong with society today. It is easy for us to claim that things were better in &qu…

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