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Section 12

In Card Trick

Read by Gary Dana

John Berryman

The Psi Lodge had their ways and means of applying pressure, when pressure was needed. But the peculiar talent this fellow showed was one th…

Some Greek Colonies

In On the Shores of the Great Sea

Read by Gary Dzierlenga

M.B. Synge and M. B. Synge

Book I of the "Story of the World" series. Focuses on the civilizations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea from the time of Abraham…

An American Critic: Professor Irving Babbitt

In The Art of Letters

Read by Gary Grenholm

Robert Lynd

From the pen of the Irish poet and essayist, Robert Lynd, comes a collection of humorous and satirical essay on the literary scene of his da…

Memoranda and Log-Books

In The Art of Travel

Read by Gary Olman

Sir Francis Galton

The Art of Travel is a handbook of practical advice for the adventure seeking Victorian. We hear how to organize all steps of a voyage, from…

Introduction & Preface

In Common Sense

Read by Gary Gilberd

Thomas Paine

Common Sense, Paine's pro-independence monograph published anonymously on 10 January 1776, spread quickly among literate colonists. Within t…

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