Sports Fiction

The Shortstop

Read by Rowdy Delaney

Zane Grey

Zane Grey (Pearl Zane Gray) born in 1872 in Zanesville, Ohio was best known for his western stories, most notably Riders Of The Purple Sage …

The Game

Read by Tom Crawford

Jack London

Jack London wrote at least four stories about boxing; A Piece of Steak (1909), The Mexican (1911), The Abysmal Brute (1911), and The Game (1…

Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars

Read by Donald Cummings

Howard R. Garis and Lester Chadwick

"Baseball Joe" Matson has recently moved to Riverside with his family, in this opening volume of Baseball Joe series. Joe is a wid…

Rival Pitchers of Oakdale

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Morgan Scott

Play Ball!!! It's the start of another baseball season at Oakdale Academy. But there is a rivalry brewing between the pitchers. One wants to…

The Captain of the Nine

Read by BookAngel7

William Heyliger

When the veteran captain of the St. Mary's baseball team is forced to resign at the beginning of the season, the choice for his replacement …

Baseball Joe on the School Nine

Read by Donald Cummings

Howard R. Garis and Lester Chadwick

"Baseball Joe" Matson's great ambition is to go to boarding school and play on the school team, in this second volume of the Baseb…

Short Works on Sports Collection 01

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


A miscellany of poetry and short works of fact and fiction on the topic of sports from North America, Great Britain and Australasia. The col…

The Abysmal Brute

Read by Warren Kati

Jack London

Young Pat Glendon is twenty-two years old, weighs two-hundred and twenty pounds, has never drunk alcohol nor tasted tobacco and knows little…

How To Write Short Stories, with examples

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ring Lardner

Here are 10 humorous short stories by Ring Lardner (March 5, 1885 – September 25, 1933), an American sports columnist and short-story writer…

Baseball Joe at Yale

Read by Donald Cummings

Howard R. Garis and Lester Chadwick

"Baseball Joe" Matson's great ambition is to become a professional baseball pitcher. The Baseball Joe series follows his career as…

Right Off The Bat

Read by ACBowgus

William F. Kirk

A Book of Baseball Ballads covering all aspects of our wonderful past-time. The ballads may seem out of date given some reference to drinkin…

Baseball Joe in the Central League

Read by Donald Cummings

Howard R. Garis and Lester Chadwick

"Baseball Joe" Matson's great ambition is to become a professional baseball pitcher. The Baseball Joe series follows his career as…

Baseball Joe in the Big League

Read by Donald Cummings

Lester Chadwick

"Baseball Joe" Matson's great ambition is to become a professional baseball pitcher. The Baseball Joe series follows his career as…

The Rockspur Eleven

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Burt L. Standish

A fine football story for boys. This is another dime novel from the author of the Frank Merriman series. (Summary by Burt L. Standish)

The Secret Play

Read by Ares Sancho

Ralph Henry Barbour

Clearfield High School football team has no coach. Its players will have to search for a new one, and get ready for the next football season…

Winning His Game

Read by Howard Skyman

Ralph Henry Barbour

Dudley Baker is new to Grafton School. Like many rookie students he finds himself feeling out of place amongst the strange new faces he enco…

Baseball Joe on the Giants

Read by Donald Cummings

Lester Chadwick

In this, the sixth in the Baseball Joe series, Baseball Joe Matson's St. Louis Cardinals contract is purchased by the New York Giants (today…