Literary Fiction

Lolly Willowes: or, the Loving Huntsman (Version 2)

Read by Shannon Sullivan

Sylvia Townsend Warner

Laura Willowes, forced to move from her family home due to the death of her father, endures her role as Aunt Lolly in her new home with her …


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Faulkner

Four days on a patron's yacht; artists during the roaring twenties explore ... This version is tamer than the original housed at the Univers…

Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship Volume 1

Read by Peter Tucker

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The novel is in eight books. The eponymous hero undergoes a journey of self-realization. The story centers upon Wilhelm's attempt to escape …

Mopes de kluizenaar

Read by Marcel Coenders

Charles Dickens

Vertaling van 'Tom Tidler's ground' het kerstverhaal uit 1861. Het boek is geschreven in samenwerking met Wilkie Collins, Charles Allston Co…

The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories

Read by Jim Locke

Alice Dunbar Nelson

These stories focus on the Creole society of New Orleans and in the process reveals issues facing black Americans at the end of the nineteen…

Last Post

Read by Peter Dann

Ford Madox Ford

This is the last novel in Ford Madox Ford's "Parade's End" tetralogy. Its predecessors "Some Do Not", "No More Para…

Immer Mutig

Read by seito

Paul Scheerbart

"... ein phantastischer Nilpferdroman" - das sind 83 phantastische, skurrile, seltsame Erzählungen, Fabeln, Glossen, locker v…

La Lecture, tome 4

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


La Lecture était une revue littéraire bi-mensuelle française de la fin du 19e siècle, publiant surtout des nouve…

The Fate: A Tale of Stirring Times

Read by Lynne T

George Payne Rainsford James

The lot of a younger son was less assured than his older brother in days gone by. It was worse for his descendant, especially if he wanted t…

The Fortune of the Rougons, Book One of Rougon-Macquart Cycle (Version 2)

Read by Mark Leder

Émile Zola

The first book in the 20-novel Rougon-Macquart Cycle. A monument of French naturalism. The sprawling tale of a family in Provence, during …

From the Life of a Good-For-Nothing

Read by Christoph Stangenberg

Joseph Von Eichendorff

The main character leaves his parental home to earn his own livelihood. During his journey, he falls in love with Aurelie but believes she i…

The Unknown Masterpiece

Read by Bruce Pirie

Honoré de Balzac

“The Unknown Masterpiece” (“Le Chef-d’œuvre inconnu”) is a novella by Honoré de Balzac, published with revisions in 1845, after earli…

The Rover Vol. 01 No. 02

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lawrence Labree and Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…

Stanton White: A Romance of the New South

Read by James K. White

Asa Zadel Hall

In this tome the Northern narrator, Harold Edson, visits the American South with his college friend, Stanton White, in order to study first …

Tiempos difíciles

Read by Lu

Charles Dickens

Con esta novela ambientada en la era de la revolución industrial, en una imaginada localidad londinense cuyo pueblo vive bajo el adoc…

Der Schüdderump Band 2

Read by josvanaken

Wilhelm Raabe

Band 2 der dreibändigen Ausgabe des Romans "Der Schüdderump" von Wilhelm Raabe. Der "Schüdderump" ist die…

The Rover Vol. 01 No. 03

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lawrence Labree and Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…

Το μόνον της ζωής του ταξείδιον

Read by Penelope

Georgios Vizyinos

Σε αυτό το διήγημα η φαντασία αγκαλιάζει την πραγματικότητα όπως στα παραμύθια.Ο παππούς ζει μέσα στη φαντασία του ιστορίες για βασιλοπούλες…

Annouchka: A Tale

Read by Rapunzelina

Ivan Turgenev

When N—— met Annouchka. A graceful story of innocence, love, coming of age, and friendship, set between two picturesque towns on the banks o…

Schetsen van Boz

Read by Marcel Coenders

Charles Dickens

Het eerste literaire werk van Charles Dickens gepubliceerd onder zijn pseudoniem BOZ. Korte verhalen over alledaagse mensen in alledaagse si…

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