Literary Fiction

Selected Poems

Read by Newgatenovelist

Pauline B. Barrington

Pauline B. Barrington was an American poet and playwright. These poems were published between 1916 and 1918 and take for their inspiration t…

Zum wilden Mann

Read by josvanaken

Wilhelm Raabe

Zumindest um eine Ecke gedacht erinnert die Novelle „Zum Wilden Mann“ durchaus an die den cineastischen Evergreen rund um die Feuerzangenbow…

The Rover Vol. 01 No. 05

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Prudenci Bertrana

En Josafat és el campaner de l’església de Santa Maria. Al principi, feia companyia a un vell parroquià, però de…

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