
Libro VI de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Histieo continúa induciendo a los Jonios a batirse contra los Persas. Derrota de la armada jonia y toma de Mileto. La armada persa se…

Histoire générale du IVe siècle à nos jours. Tome 01. Les origines (395-1095)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Alfred Nicolas Rambaud

Ouvrage collectif sous la direction d'Ernest Lavisse et Alfred Rambaud.«Le présent volume n'est que le tome premier d'un ouvrag…

Römische Geschichte Buch 8

Read by redaer

Theodor Mommsen

Mommsen erhielt für die Römische Geschichte 1902 den Nobelpreis für Literatur.Römische Geschichte Achtes Buch (Ausgabe v…

The Catiline Conspiracy and the Jugurthine War

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Catiline Conspiracy and the Jugurthine War are the two separate surviving works of the historian commonly known as "Sallust". …

Libro V de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Costumbres de los Tracios. Alejandro se venga de los embajadores Persas enviados a Macedonia. Política de Darío con Histieo, s…

Compendio de la Historia de la Literatura

Read by Tux

Andrés Bello

Escrito para la enseñanza en el Instituto Nacional, este compendio comprende la literatura antigua del Oriente y la literatura griega…

The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamesh: with an Account o…

Read by Kazbek

E. A. Wallis Budge

A short monograph devoted to the Babylonian flood myth and the Epic of Gilgamesh (Standard Babylonian version), dating from the 7th century …

The Students’ Roman Empire part 2, A History of the Roman Empire from Its Found…

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Bagnell Bury

The writings of J. B. Bury, on subjects ranging from ancient Greece to the 19th-century papacy, are at once scholarly and accessible to the …

Libro IX de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


El libro noveno y último de las Historias de Heródoto, bajo el nombre de la Musa Calíope, narra las sucesivas batallas …

The World’s Famous Orations, Vol. II: Rome

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William Jennings Bryan, Francis Whiting Halsey and Various,William Jennings Bryan

In 1906, William Jennings Bryan, himself a famous American orator, and Francis Whiting Halsey compiled a series of the most famous orations …

Laws (version 2)

Read by Jim Locke


Laws (Greek: Νόμοι) is Plato's last and longest dialogue. It is generally agreed that Plato wrote this dialogue as an older man, having fail…

Egyptian Tales, translated from the Papyri, Series Two : XVIIIth to XIXth Dynas…

Read by Timothy Ferguson

William Matthew Flinders Petrie

Egyptian stories translated from ancient, often incomplete, documents. - Summary by Timothy Ferguson

Hellenic History

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Willis Botsford

"The purpose of this volume is to present in brief scope the evolution of Greek civilization a culture simple in its essential unity, a…


Read by Mongope

Gustave Flaubert

Salambó recrea la “Guerra de los mercenarios” que tuvo lugar en el siglo III AC en la ciudad de Cartago. Se puede considerar una nove…

Theodoric the Goth

Read by Patrick Eaton

Thomas Hodgkin

Theodoric the Great (~454-526) was king of the Ostrogoths during the time of the terminal decline of the Western Roman Empire. After wanderi…

Roman History: The Early Empire, from the Assassination of Julius Caesar to tha…

Read by Pamela Nagami

William Wolfe Capes

William Wolfe Capes (1834-1914) was an Anglican cleric, a classicist, and a historian. This is his short chronicle of the early Roman Empire…

The History of Britain

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

John Milton

A reader of this history, encountering the frequent references to “my author,” meaning the current source, will be reminded of DON QUIXOTE a…

Ιστορίαι (Histories) Βιβλίοv 1 (Book 1)

Read by olorou


Η Ιστορία του Θουκυδίδη εξιστορεί τα πρώτα 20 χρόνια του πολέμου μεταξύ της Αθήνας και της Σπάρτης, που κράτησε από το 431 μέχρι το 404 π.Χ.…

Las guerras ibéricas

Read by Epachuko

Appian Of Alexandria

El historiador Apiano dedica el volumen VI de su "Historia romana" al prolongado y cruento proceso de conquista de los pueblos que…

Libro VII de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Muere Darío haciendo contra la Grecia aprestos militares que continua su hijo Jerges: con este objeto hace abrir un canal en el Athos…

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