Gelesen von Don W. Jenkins
Herbert George Jenkins

Herbert Jenkins' most popular fictional creation was Mr. Joseph Bindle, who first appeared in a humorous novel in 1916 and in a number of sequels. In the preface to the books, T. P. O'Connor said that "Bindle is the greatest Cockney that has come into being through the medium of literature since Dickens wrote Pickwick Papers". The stories are based on the comedic drama of life at work, at home and all the adventures that take place along the way. Bindle leaves a path of good-natured destruction behind him and walks away unscathed every time. He is not above embellishing and loves the joke. He refers to jokes as the anesthetic that allows him to endure the operation of life. When he sets about fixing things, they had better well stay fixed or they'll have him to deal with. Indeed, he is a sort of superhero of the Everyman. Let the hilarity begin! (Summary by Don Jenkins) (6 hr 36 min)
Great humor

Wonderful and droll British humor. Not my usual fare, but am glad I decided to listen to something somewhat out of my comfort zone. Try it! You won't be disappointed. Also, Mr. Jenkins gives excellent characterization with his multitude of voices and accents. It sounds like a whole cast reading it instead of one man. Very impressive and well done, sir.
well done
Austen Lennon

Took a little bit of getting used to the accent at the start but once I got to grips it became easy to listen to and brilliantly read. Must look for the readers name in more audios.
Well read

Bindle seems to be a character who has been almost totally forgotten - which is a shame. I find these stories very enjoyable and the reader is excellent. (Some reviewers comment on 'appropriate' accents for stories. These are cockney stories par excellence but our reader has a clear American accent. It makes no difference, so long as the stories and the reader are both - as in this case - good)
I like this story so looked up all of the stories

Bindle has many misadventures, and fights with his wife, and does just fun things. I LOVED the stories. I am glad to see the three books posted here were all read by the same reader. It lent well to the continuity. Be sure to listen to them in order, and save the best for last. :-)
It all makes sense!
Average American

Reviewer Lori K., is an Atheist! No wonder her reviews are so full of misguided perspectives & she misses the point of literature all together. Even going so far as to spoil books for others by revealing their secrets. Unbelievably selfish & typical of "the type".
I was sad when it ended. A great story well read.
John M-W.

I had never heard of this author . now in reading his books avidly! Don W Jenkins reads his namesake! good stuff ! A great laugh.I know many Bindle s , lol Many thanks.

I agree with the previous review - I was doubtful when I first started listening, but the reader's lack of a Cockney accent does not detract from the charm or humor of the stories. He did a great job.
Will put a smile on your face

Innocent fun with the bighearted prankster, Bindle. I enjoyed the book enough to want to try the next in the series. Well read by Mr. Jenkins.