Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective
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Ellis Parker Butler

Philo Gubb, not being content with his job as wallpaper-hanger, has higher aspirations: to become a detective, just like Sherlock Holmes. To that end, he enrolls in a correspondence course, where he gets lessons through the mail as well as the necessary disguises for a detective. Philo Gubb, not being really clever or intuitive, or even looking good in those disguises, gets involved in one case after the other - and sooner or later happens to stumble on and solve the crime..Each of these stories is a complete mystery unto itself so if you read just one, you will know it's beginning and the unorthodox methods by which Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective solves it using his woeful 'deteckative' (as he puts it) skills (Summary by Availle and Phil Chenevert) (9 hr 3 min)

This is a very sweet comedy. The author does a good job letting the listener be ahead of Gubb in solving each mystery, while still throwing in a few surprises.
Slapstick at it's best
Fiddle Sticks

I don't like and would avoid watching slapstick on TV but hearing it is much more fun. Good stories well read.
Very well written

This kind gentle detective wins your heart and solves cases by following the rules. What a joy to listen to. Thank you
Woeful story

Ugh, I didn't care for this at all. The hero is an annoying, 'wheel-spinning, hamster is dead' kind of person. He solves cases, but only by the assistance of providence, and the book overall has a crappy ending. A few of the chapters had tinny echoes, but most of them were great. I just didn't care for the story. Reading - 4 Story - 1 Averaged and rounded to 3
Avid Listener

Looks like it has potential for a good story. Is the first chapter only 6 seconds long?

fun. one reader is not good. others are excellent. stories are great.
One of the few audiobooks I've put aside without finishing
Timothy Ferguson

I gave this book up after the second chapter. Imagine Forrest Gump as a detective, but without the folksy wisdom. Imagine a comedic bit being played over and over and over. Then add a bit of racism, and then some fetishization of a woman of non-conventional shape, and it all becomes a bit too wearysome