Old Times on the Mississippi
Gelesen von John Greenman
Mark Twain

Old Times on the Mississippi is a non-fiction work by Mark Twain. It was published in 1876. Originally published in serial form in the Atlantic Monthly, in 1875, this same work was published as chapters 4 through 17 in Twain's later work, Life on the Mississippi (1883). Old Times on the the Mississippi has one last chapter that has nothing to do with the rest of the book. A Literary Nightmare describes the funny/sad/maddening effect that a catchy jingle can have on those unlucky enough to be captured by one. (Summary by John Greenman) (3 hr 38 min)
6 - Official Rank and Dignity of a Pilot. The Rise and Decadence of the Pilot's…
Read by John Greenman
7 - Leaving Port; Racing; Shortening of the River by Cut-offs; A Steamboar's Gh…
Read by John Greenman
not bad but not twain's best

Paul M. Leary

This piece is, in my opinion, Mark Twain at his very best. Each word is carefully chosen for its weight and heft so that the author’s life on the river comes alive for the reader. It is poetry captured in prose. I doubt that there will be a single reader, no matter in what language he or she reads this work who will not be moved by it.
Largely a rehash of chapters in other books

well read as ever
Classic Twain, Dry Humor well read