Workers Together, or, An Endless Chain
Gelesen von TriciaG
Sixth in the Chautauqua Girls series. It picks up the characters of Dr. Stuart Everett and Joy Saunders introduced in "Ester Ried Yet Speaking" and follows them and other Christians in their work for the Master. Half-hearted and fully committed workers: all have an impact on those around them, for good or for ill. (Summary by Tricia G)
Previous book in series: Judge Burnham's Daughters
Next book in series: Ruth Erskine's Son (8 hr 46 min)
This tells the back-story to some of the characters in Ester Ried Yet Speaking. If you've enjoyed that book, this will pleasantly explain a number of its situations, although it may be a little hard to precisely match the meeting points. Certainly there are almost as many lessons to learn concerning reaching people for Christ, and the focus is on youth leaders, as we would call them, in a way that ERYS is not.
Heartwarming Tale
A wonderful reminder of the importance of letting our light shine! We never know who all will be affected.
Workers Together, or, An Endless Chain
Elizabeth Williams
It is true that Pansy’s books become cliché after awhile. In themselves they are good, but after a dozen the author’s favorite topics are obvious. One thing that puzzles me is the absence of emphasis on the Biblical command—: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (Acts 2:38) Although repentance is usually evident in each character’s salvation, baptism is never mentioned even remotely. I realize baptism is not salvation in itself, but it is an act of obedience in a new believer’s life and should have been mentioned at least briefly.
Rather idealistic
Good story but seems out of bounds at times as far expected Christian living not prepared by prayer & experience? one character seemed to be rewarded for feeling sorry for himself and for criticizing his employer who had already given him so much...I'm just saying...
Enjoyable, Inspirimg Book
I like a book that is enjoyable and yet inspires and challenges me. This is one such book. I highly recommend for those who wish to go further up and further in.
Beautiful Story of Christ's Transforming Power
Luba - Healthy with Luba
Pansy's stories are always uplifting, edifying, and challenging, and this is no exception. thank you, Tricia, for bring this amazing book to life!
Good for my walk with God and others
Vicki Young
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Michael Perkins