The Mystery of Angelina Frood
Gelesen von Yoganandh T
R. Austin Freeman
(4,833 Sterne; 6 Bewertungen)
Angelina Frood disappears from Rochester ostensibly to escape her uncouth and menacing husband Nicholas Frood leaving a trail of clues which lead to a sinister end but a surprising result. - Summary by Yoganandh T (8 hr 5 min)
Chapters 13 and 14 are out of order.
Frank Bowden
(5 Sterne)
Chapters 13 and 14 are out of order. The order in the chapter list is correct, but in the recording Chapter QR plays before Chapter 13. Only the one slip up in the order of the chapters. Otherwise an original and inventive story. Reader is very good, as always.
(5 Sterne)
I really like the Dr. Thorndike mysteries. The reader was very good.