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History of the Jews in America

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(4,375 Sterne; 4 Bewertungen)

Peter Wiernik was an influential Yiddish journalist in Chicago after immigrating from Vilna when he was twenty. He also wrote in Hebrew and English. In this great work he traces the history of the Jewish people in the Americas from the earliest days of exploration to the beginning of the twentieth century. This book is divided into seven parts: I. The Spanish and Portuguese Period, II. The Dutch and English Colonial Period, III. The Revolution and the Period of Expansion, IV. The Second or German Period of Immigration, V. The Civil War and the Formative Period, VI. The Third or Russian Period of Immigration, VII. The Twentieth Century - Present Conditions. - Summary by Larry Wilson (14 hr 36 min)


Preface and Introduction


Read by Francisco Galeano

The Participation of Jews in the Discovery of the New World


Read by Aviva Apfel

Early Jewish Martyrs under Spanish Rule in the New World.


Read by Aviva Apfel

Victims of the Inquisition in Mexico and in Peru


Read by Aviva Apfel

Marranos in the Portuguese Colonies


Read by Aviva Apfel

The Short-Lived Dominion of the Dutch over Brazil


Read by Aviva Apfel

Recife: the First Jewish Community in the New World


Read by Francisco Galeano

The Jews in Surinam or Dutch Guiana


Read by Francisco Galeano

The Dutch and English West Indies


Read by Murphy8104

New Amsterdam and New York


Read by MrHistory89

New England and the Other English Colonies


Read by MrHistory89

The Religious Aspect of the War of Independence


Read by Chris Pyle

The Participation of Jews in the War of the Revolution


Read by roselbex

The Decline of Newport; Washington and the Jews


Read by MrHistory89

Other Communities in the First Periods of Independence


Read by roselbex

The Question of Religious Liberty in Virginia and in North Carolina


Read by MrHistory89

The War of 1812 and the Removal of Jewish Disabilities in Maryland


Read by VO Gal

Mordecai Manuel Noah and His Territorialist-Zionistic Plans


Read by roselbex

The First Communities in the Mississippi Valley


Read by roselbex

New Settlements in the Middle West and on the Pacific Coast


Read by Cbteddy

The Jews in the Early History of Texas. The Mexican War


Read by Yi Fan

The Religious Reform Movement


Read by Richard Vogel

Conservative Judaism and Its Stand against Reform


Read by Cbteddy

Intervention in Damascus. The Struggle against Swiss Discrimination


Read by BettyB

The Discussion about Slavery. Lincoln and the Jews


Read by Cbteddy

Participation of Jews in the Civil War. Judah P. Benjamin


Read by Cbteddy

Distinguished Services of Jews on Both Sides of the Struggle


Read by BettyB

The Formative Period after the Civil War


Read by Jeffery

New Synagogues and Temples. Immigration from Russia Prior to 1880


Read by Aviva Apfel

The Influx after the Anti-Jewish Riots in Russia in 1881


Read by Jen Teal Levine

Communal and Religious Activities among the New Comers


Read by Jen Teal Levine

New Communal and Intellectual Activities


Read by Cbteddy

The Labor Movement and New Literary Activities


Read by Cbteddy

Relations with Russia. The Passport Question


Read by Cbteddy

Legislation about Immigration. Sunday Laws and their Enforcement


Read by Cbteddy

End of the Century. The Spanish-American War. The Dreyfus Affair. Zionism


Read by Cbteddy

Synagogues and Institutions. The Encyclopedia. Roumania and the Roumanian Note


Read by Cbteddy

Help for the Victims of the Russian Massacres in 1903 and 1905. Other Proofs of…


Read by Cbteddy

The American-Jewish Committee. Educational Institutions and Federations


Read by Cbteddy

The Jews in the Dominion of Canada


Read by Cbteddy

Jews in South America, Mexico and Cuba


Read by Cbteddy

Men of Eminence in the Arts, Sciences and the Professions


Read by BettyB

Literature: Hebrew and English. Periodicals


Read by marisad6

Yiddish Literature, Drama and the Press


Read by marisad6

Present Conditions. The Number and the Dispersion of Jews in America. Conclusion


Read by Larry Wilson


Contextually fascinating

(5 Sterne)

Very decent reader. I prefer more emotive variability, but the flat-leaning vocal style is good for historical non-fiction, especially if you are listening for study as opposed to self-education (or perhaps purely for entertainment). As for the contents of the book, it contains seldom discussed opinions of the 15th century (and beyond) chronology of American/pre-American historical milestones and events. Now I hope none find the following comment to be offensive, but I simply must share this observation: This book is an incredibly revised historical narrative, written by and for, perhaps the most vocal anti-revisionist ethnic demographic known in modern times. I'd be filtering my true-natured personal commentary to omit it, but again, my goal isn't to offend, and I know nothing of the opinion by historians of this book's author. That being said, I also cannot (with much confidence) speak on the accuracy of the events/information within the book, though the entire reason I looked to read it, was due to my long-held doubt of the accuracy and level of bias in mainstream historical narratives fed to us (Americans) as children. I definitely got an alternative version than any I had learned or heard of. I found it fascinating nonetheless. And if you too question some of the histories you were taught in schools (in the USA), it might intrigue you just how much this book deviates from what most Americans understand to be the full story.

(4,5 Sterne)

This history is true, basically what happened is that the Sephardi Jews came from Spain and Portugal to the Americas and suffered persecution, later the Sephardi settled in the Dutch and English Colonies and eventually the Ashkenazi settled in the United States becoming the overwhelming majority of the Jewish population. Also for anyone who finds this book Judeo-Centric or Euro-Centric must remember that this is the history of the Jews in America and not the history of America. This is what one may call a Ethnic or Religious history. In hindsight of the Holocaust it is tragic that the US and other countries allowed 6 Million Jews to be Murdered before they put a stop to it, they didn't accept Jewish refugees or did anything to help the German Jews before the war and they didn't try to stop the Genocide during the war, they didn't try to bomb the railroads or gass chambers they left the Jews at the mercy of the Nazi's and those gentiles willing to help them.