The Nameless Man
Gelesen von James R. Hedrick
Natalie Sumner Lincoln

Beginning with an argument about the yellow peril, this novel of murder and intrigue attempts to prove its actuality. Between California and Washington, in diplomatic circles and social life, the mystery runs, implicating white men as well as Japanese. And mingled with the adventure of seeking the fomenter of plots and murder of innocent men, is the never-failing love interest, as troubled as it is true.
- Summary by New York Times, quoted in The Book Review Digest, 1917 (6 hr 44 min)
Intriguing mystery which was skillfully read. Enjoyed it.

Yes, it's racist

The mystery is good, the writing is good, but I can't get past how very, very racist it is. It's a product of its time, but that doesn't make it more ok. I suggest listening to another book, this one will just leave a bad taste in your mouth.