Venus Enslaved
Gelesen von Phil Chenevert
Manly Wade Wellman
(4,333 Sterne; 69 Bewertungen)
A rip-snorting, 1940s science fiction adventure from the pen of Manly Wade Wellman. What chance had the castaway Earthman and his crossbow-weaponed Amazons against the mighty Frogmasters of the Veiled Planet? Hmmm? What chance indeed? From his broad shoulders, rippling muscles fighting spirit and keen intelligence, our hero finds a way to victory and perhaps even love. Listen and enjoy. - Summary by Phil Chenevert (2 hr 8 min)
retro story
(4,5 Sterne)
A cute little retro science fiction story. The stuff I used to live off of when I was a young man.
Bill is prefect!!!! Here is a great reader,who will enchant you
John Cobb
(4,5 Sterne)
Sebastian Melmoth
(5 Sterne)
Rip-roaring. Bodice-ripping. Derring-doing. Buck-swashling. Vein-gnawing. Ass-whooping. Face-grinding. Sex-dripping. Etc.
(5 Sterne)
EXCELLENT ! And Phil is a Wonderful Reader.