Stories from the Adirondacks
Gelesen von Roger Melin
Albert A. Young

A collection of five stories all of which take place in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, and most which contain elements of some mystery hidden deep within the forests. - Summary by Roger Melin (1 hr 39 min)
Assorted anecdotes of loggers and trappers

These brief bits from far-off days must be true- made-up stories would have endings. These are generally of the “a weird thing happened to me; I wonder what it was all about” variety. Wonderfully read, these pieces offer interesting glimpses into a wilder time and place. The writing is competent but sparse. I’m glad I listened, but I can’t give it a very enthusiastic recommendation. Good, not great. Many thanks to the wonderful reader.
Adirondack tales
bfo metal detecter

these are short stories. not blockbuster. but writing with integrity from a fellow neighbor. The folks of yesterday are good honest people. Thanks for your time to all.
Harry Lime

Good reading 1st story held my attention. the rest meh
Michelle S

Terrific stories. Thank you for this excellent reading.
John Price

okay stories excellent narrator thanks Libervox