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OPDC: Progress in Parkinson's Research.

(3,75 Sterne; 4 Bewertungen)

University of Oxford Podcasts


Overview: The Oxford Parkinson's Disease Centre (OPDC) Cohort


Read by Michele Hu

Using novel technologies to assess Parkinson's


Read by Max Little

Neuropathology: the CSI of Parkinson's Disease


Read by Claudio Ruffman

From Dreams to Neurodegeneration


Read by Michal Rolinski

Parkinson's: More than a tremor


Read by Fahd Baig

How can skin cells help us understand Parkinson's?


Read by Richard Wade Martins



(5 Sterne)

Very interesting and informative! I have YOPD and there is always something new to learn. I just wish doctors in general would pay attention to all this wonderful research. I lost my sense of smell at the age of 26, that was 24 years ago and it then only took 17 years to finally get properly diagnosed. I still remember the first carbidopa/levodopa pill I took. I first, after about 20 minutes, got terribly sick to my stomach and then, like a light switch my brain got clear. It was amazing! Keep up the good work, this illness is a terrible thief, it steals one's life, slowly at first and as it progresses faster and faster. I truly hope that a cure and early detection can be accomplished, sooner rather than later. Thank you for your hard work!

How the sausage is made.

(5 Sterne)
