A Selection of 19th Century Scientific Verse
Gelesen von Ruth Golding

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, it was common for discoveries in branches of science such as botany, astronomy and medicine to be described in book-length treatises in verse. By the end of the 19th century this mode of popularising science was falling from favour as the studies of science and the humanities diverged and study became more specialised.
This small selection of somewhat lighter-hearted verse written by distinguished scientists and mathematicians of the day includes poems by James Clerk Maxwell, William J. Macquorn Rankine and James Joseph Sylvester. (Summary by Ruth Golding) (0 hr 47 min)
Lines Written Under the Conviction that it is Not Wise to Read Mathematics in N…
Read by Ruth Golding
Three cheers
Horatio Drake

1st cheer for this collection of gems of light-hearted fun poems. 2nd cheer for Ruth Golding's beautiful voice. 3rd cheer for her rendition of singing two of the poems. By the way, what's the happy melody chosen for "Three Foot Rule"? I first learned about James Maxwell 's poem on William Thomson's (later lord Kelvin) mirror galvanometer in a coursera course "Introduction to Probability" by prof. Santos Venkatesh (a fan of Gilbert and Sullivan). This is the 2nd time I learned about this poem in this collection. I am delighted and a little transfixed.