The Boy Chums in the Florida Jungle

Read by Bellona Times

(3.8 stars; 12 reviews)

Late entry in the Boy Chums series set in WWI-era Florida focuses on four working-class adventurers: young adults Charley & Walter, manservant Chris, and man of the world, Captain Westfield. Has the distinction of Chris being black; he's a stereotype for sure but is pretty much treated as an equal, like a grown-up Buckwheat -- with a dry sense of humor -- from the Our Gang comedies.. - Summary by BellonaTimes (6 hr 12 min)


I. The Boy Chums 12:12 Read by Bellona Times
II. The New Venture 13:03 Read by Bellona Times
III. Investigating 11:30 Read by Bellona Times
IV. Buncoed 12:53 Read by Bellona Times
V. The Strike 11:26 Read by Bellona Times
VI. Loyalty 10:50 Read by Bellona Times
VII. Charley Has A Narrow Escape 11:31 Read by Bellona Times
VIII. Walter Takes His First Lesson in Running An Engine 11:31 Read by Bellona Times
IX. Bob Is Sent Home 9:49 Read by Bellona Times
X. Walter and the Engineer Go A-Hunting 10:50 Read by Bellona Times
XI. The Convict's Camp 10:03 Read by Bellona Times
XII. Charley Gets A New Crew 10:10 Read by Bellona Times
XIII. Looking Ahead 10:50 Read by Bellona Times
XIV. Scouting 11:30 Read by Bellona Times
XV. The First Blow 11:16 Read by Bellona Times
XVI. Fighting The Fire 11:08 Read by Bellona Times
XVII. The Convicts 11:11 Read by Bellona Times
XVIII. The Medicine Man 11:54 Read by Bellona Times
XIX. The Old Fort 11:16 Read by Bellona Times
XX. The Hidden Voice 11:12 Read by Bellona Times
XXI. Charley Gets A Telegram 11:09 Read by Bellona Times
XXII. Moving The Camp 10:31 Read by Bellona Times
XXIII. Exciting Events 11:03 Read by Bellona Times
XXIV. A Clew 12:41 Read by Bellona Times
XXV. Sickness in the Camp 12:06 Read by Bellona Times
XXVI. A Midnight Raid 11:51 Read by Bellona Times
XXVII. Burning Out The Jungle 12:18 Read by Bellona Times
XXVIII. Shooting To Kill 12:21 Read by Bellona Times
XXIX. The Seminole Lad 13:04 Read by Bellona Times
XXX. Visitors 11:43 Read by Bellona Times
XXXI. Mr. Jones Buys The Outfit 13:20 Read by Bellona Times
XXXII. The Mystery Solved 14:13 Read by Bellona Times


Classic Genre

(4 stars)

Fun and engaging. Well balanced story with the typical ending. Very good narrator.