The Albert Gate Mystery
Louis Tracy
Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

A new case for barrister and hobby detective Reginald Brett: The imperial diamonds were sent by the Sultan to London, to be cut in Albert Gate mansion by experts, all the while under the especial protection of the British government. One morning, however, the Turkish officials are found dead in the house, and the diamonds have vanished - despite the strict measures taken to protect them. The first suspicion falls on Jack Talbot, a young secretary at the Foreign Office, in whose charge this mission was, because he also disappeared without a trace on the same evening. Convinced that Talbot is innocent, his friend Lord Fairholme turns to Reginald Brett for help... (Summary by Carolin) (9 hr 20 min)
A Mysterious Crime | 18:44 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Mehemet Ali's Note | 18:53 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
What the Police Saw | 25:51 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Murders | 16:13 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
A Startling Clue | 34:30 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
A Journey to Paris | 32:27 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The House in the Rue Barbette | 23:35 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
What Happened in the Rue Barbette | 27:32 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
A Montmartre Romance | 18:41 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
On Guard | 27:55 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
A Disconcerted Commissary, part 1 | 26:37 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
A Disconcerted Commissary, part 2 | 13:34 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Innkeeper | 27:33 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Release, part 1 | 23:27 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Release, part 2 | 16:50 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
'Tout Va Bien' | 18:43 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
'Marie' | 25:50 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Hall Porter's Doubts | 22:47 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Yacht 'Blue-Bell' | 22:27 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Talbot's Adventures | 22:32 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Race | 17:43 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Close Quarters | 22:53 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
The Fight | 20:24 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Piecing the Puzzle | 34:27 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Great Work

Once again, Carolin, your excellent reading has given me several hours of enjoyment. You (and all of you at Librivox) deserve more credit than my simple words can tell. The story was very entertaining and I always enjoy a story with a happy ending. If I ever needed an attorney and I could find one like Brett, I would just tell him my problem and take a long vacation. The telling of a very serious crime was done in as tasteful a manner as I can imagine. God Bless you Carolin, and all who so unselfishly give freely of themselves for the enjoyment of others.

A nice book and a great read by Carolin. I have seen some negative reviews from other LibriVox listeners on Carolin’s reading but I find those totally incorrect. And I am surprised that such readers have so much time and determination on their hands to write their own deep criticizing opinions of a volunteer reader on free to the listener audio book service! If a reader doesn’t care for a particular reader on LibriVox then why not just simply and quietly move on to another book?

I wonder if it is only accidental that the finest portrayer of Sherlock Holmes is named (Jeremy) Brett. No matter, this is s good story, well written and well read.
a different kind of jewel robbery

A LibriVox Listener
Engaging and fast paced. Wonderfully read. Will be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys a good jewels and political intrigue.

Johnnie J
I believe this would be an enjoyable mystery. However, I must comment on the reader, for the benefit of others, like me, who do not hear well. Carolin has a pleasant and expressive voice. However my hearing is weak and I could not understand her words, because of her accent. In a mystery you can't miss any clues if you want to track the solution. I had to give up and go to another book.
More an adventure

Starts as a mystery, but a fifth of the way turns into an adventure—and a boring one at that. The reader does an excellent job with the material she has to work with.
one of my favorite readers

Ms. Elizabeth
audio had a bit of a tunnel sound in the first few chapters but it did go away. action, danger, but not much mystery.
Okay, not great

Lelah Marie
I was very interested at first, but the middle and end seemed too convoluted to easily follow. Excellent reader.