Maria Edgeworth
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

When Belinda was published in 1801, it became both controversial and popular. Controversial because of the inter-racial marriage presented in the novel, and popular because it's a very good comedy of manners, like Evelina by Fanny Burney. Belinda, like Evelina, is a soft and loving girl of 17, is coming to London with her aunt who directs her action in order to make sure that she'll find a good match. But what will happen if Belinda will fall in love? Will Clarence Hervey, the man she loves, be able to marry her? It seems almost impossible, as he is secretly bringing up another woman to be a perfect wife to him and now, in all honor, he thinks he must marry her.
These social novels about young women trying to find good husbands were admired by Jane Austen who referred to Belinda, among other novels, in her own novel Northanger Abbey: “'And what are you reading, Miss — ?' 'Oh! It is only a novel!' replies the young lady, while she lays down her book with affected indifference, or momentary shame. 'It is only Cecilia, or Camilla, or Belinda'; or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best–chosen language." (Summary by Stav Nisser) (19 hr 35 min)
01 - Characters | 29:31 | Read by Mimi Wang |
02 - Masks | 47:32 | Read by Sandra Estenson |
03 - Lady Delacour's History (Part 1) | 27:57 | Read by Sandra Estenson |
04 - Lady Delacour's History (Part 2) | 33:45 | Read by Sandra Estenson |
05 - Lady Delacour's History Continued | 49:28 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
06 - Birthday Dresses | 32:45 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
07 - Ways and Means | 28:48 | Read by Evelyn Clarke |
08 - The Serpentine River | 20:51 | Read by Nichole Thompson |
09 - A Family Party | 26:00 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
10 - Advice | 35:49 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
11 - The Mysterious Boudoir | 25:47 | Read by Mimi Wang |
12 - Difficulties | 39:17 | Read by Mimi Wang |
13 - The Macaw | 25:21 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
14 - Sortes Virgilianae | 28:45 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
15 - The Exhibition (Part 1) | 28:46 | Read by Linda Velwest |
16 - The Exhibition (Part 2) | 25:34 | Read by Linda Velwest |
17 - Jealousy | 32:03 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
18 - Domestic Happiness | 29:29 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
19 - Rights of Woman | 23:37 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
20 - A Declaration | 30:51 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
21 - A Wedding | 35:29 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
22 - Reconciliation (Part 1) | 29:46 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
23 - Reconciliation (Part 2) | 27:37 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
24 - Helena | 34:30 | Read by Roxanna Nazari |
25 - A Spectre | 32:43 | Read by Roxanna Nazari |
26 - The Chaplain | 20:37 | Read by wminbru |
27 - Peu a Peu | 44:17 | Read by wminbru |
28 - Love Me, Love My Dog | 48:22 | Read by wminbru |
29 - Virginia (Part 1) | 18:25 | Read by Anka |
30 - Virginia (Part 2) | 21:42 | Read by Anka |
31 - Virginia (Part 3) | 27:16 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
32 - A Discovery (Part 1) | 26:46 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
33 - A Discovery (Part 2) | 25:06 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
34 - A Discovery (Part 3) | 16:52 | Read by Diana Majlinger |
35 - E O (Part 1) | 24:50 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
36 - E O (Part 2) | 24:12 | Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016) |
37 - A Jew | 28:41 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
38 - News | 27:03 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
39 - The Denouement | 39:01 | Read by Terra Mendoza |
Well-paced readings, humorous battle of the sexes!

Serious advice: ignore bad-spirited comments about this work. These are delightful. I knew the obscure title I remembered from childhood bookshelves would be on LibriVox--and here it was (LOVE ME LOVE MY DOG). Excellent, thank you wonderful volunteers!! BTW, Sandra's readings may be especially welcome to those of us who find some narration too quick-paced to easily follow. It is very soothing and friendly, qualities that also make her an excellent choice for an audience of children.

A LibriVox Listener
Three stars. Our heroine's character is pretty one-dimensional. Where did she come from? Who was she before she was spirited off to the big city by her notorious match-maker aunt? What in her childhood instilled such inner strength and constancy? The story was entertaining but the ending was incomprehensible. Why was Belinda sidelined at the end with her reconciliation reduced to a second-person mention instead of highlighting her deliverance
amazing story!

This is a complicated, sophisticated tale and I have to wonder if it was drawn from some of ME's own experiences in life - so complex and real are some of the characters. It seems certain to me, after listening to this story, that Jane Austin read and, in an amusing way, drew, from time to time, from Maria Edgeworth's work.

Hospitable Georgian
This was an interesting tale with twists and turns and bits of humor that kept it interesting all the way to the end even though it was so long. One reader has a heavy accent so i had to be sure i had a quiet room while listening to his chapters. The readers did a great job.
Bountiful Belinda

Renee M
The collection of readers was quite good. Especially Terry Mendoza. Maria Edgeworth's story was also quite good, although the ending seemed a bit rushed. Overall, I was impressed by the storytelling, which, thankfully, avoided the over-the-top humor and/or gothic elements so popular in its time.
Terrific Precursor to Jane Austen!

Lynette C.
and good job by the narrators (not sure why anyone would combine about Sandra's reading - it's extremely good)

Julia D
Interesting. I was a little disappointed by the conclusion but found this an enjoyable tale.
surprisingly good

A LibriVox Listener
Some of the reading is not so great, but the story is entertaining.