弟子规 Di Zi Gui

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(3.6 stars; 6 reviews)

Di Zi Gui (弟子规), in English, means the Standards for being a Good Student and Child. It is an ancient book based on the teaching of the great Confucius that emphasises on the basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with others. The source for the main outline of it is from Analects of Confucius, Book 1, Chapter 6, where Confucius said:

"A young man should be a good son at home and an obedient young man abroad, sparing of speech but trustworthy in what he says, and should love the multitude at large but cultivate the friendship of his fellow men. If he has any energy to spare from such action, let him devote it to making himself cultivated."

There are altogether seven chapters in Di Zi Gui, with each chapter listing one duty that a good person should follow in life. (From Wikipedia)

《弟子规》(原名《訓蒙文》)是中国传统的启蒙教材之一,作者是清朝康熙年间的秀才李毓秀。後經賈存仁修訂改編而成為弟子規。其內容取自《論語·學而篇》中的第六條:「弟子入則孝,出則弟,謹而信,汎愛眾,而親仁,行有餘力,則以學文。」 《弟子规》是以三字一句,兩句一韻的的文体方式編纂而成。然后再以《總敘》、《入則孝》、《出則弟》、《謹》、《信》、《汎愛眾》、《親仁》和《餘力以學文》等部份来加以演述。(维基百科) (0 hr 29 min)


Di Zi Gui

(5 stars)

The text Di Zi Gui is certainly one of the most important Sagely Texts ever written and strict observation of all of it's 108 verses will not only generate a vast stock of merit but also ensure that one is in full observation of the Buddha's precepts (Sila). If you are in full compliance with the precepts, you have a solid foundation for future Bodhi (i.e. Threefold Training: Sila Samadhi Prajna). Also, I highly recommend this English version of Di Zi Gui: http://venchinkung.com/di-zi-gui/ Furthermore, I also recommend everyone read the Treatise on Response and Retribution (Kan Yin Pien): https://archive.org/details/cu31924023154390 Lastly, I strongly recommend that everyone visit Ven Master Chin Kung's online dharma educational channel and website: Main Link: http://www.amtb.tw/tvchannel/play-1-revised.asp Link to Lecture on Kan Yin Pien: http://www.amtb.tw/baen/baen.asp?web_amtb_index=81&web_choice=32 Link to Lecture on 10 good deeds : http://www.amtb.tw/baen/baen.asp?web_choice=30 Link to alternative lectures archive: edu.hwadzan.com/play/12/17/0/6998 Note: The above link links directly to Ven Master Chin kung's comprehensive lectures on the Avatamsaka Sutra (highly recommended), other sutras and resources are available by accessing the links on the top of the website. P.S. I also recommend that people visit the following websites: T The Buddha Educational Foundation: http://www.budaedu.org/en/ This non profit organization distributes Dharma books (in numerous languages ) and related materials free of charge (includes free shipping to foreign address). The website also has ebooks and Dharma talks that can be downloaded. Worldwide Directory of Amita Buddha Learning Societies: http://www.amtb.org.tw/jzplace.htm This is a directory of all the Amita Buddha Societies/ learning institutions all over the world. It includes addresses and contact information of institutions in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, United States, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Singapore, New Zealand, Spain, Argentina, France, Canada, United Kingdom and Thailand. So if you can, you should visit one near you and there will usually be free classes and Dharma books and materials available for your benefit.