A Collection of Family Prayers

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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That Family-prayer is an indispensible duty, and an important means of religion, are points which are here taken for granted. Among the many excuses commonly urged for the omission of this duty one of the most frequent is, the want of ability or courage to pray, in the presence of others. Where this is the case, the most natural and effectual answer is "Make use of forms." The lawfulness and expediency of so doing, I shall not attempt to prove. It has been admitted by the best of our divines, several of whom have published forms of devotion for the use of families. It is a happiness that we have so many volumes of family-prayers, both by Churchmen and Dissenters, suited to the different tastes and sentiments of different persons. There is yet, however, room for more, as variety is pleasing and edifying. The occasional prayers are new compositions, which are adapted to the most common occurrences, and which may easily be altered as circumstances vary. In all, great attention has been paid to plainness and simplicity, both, of thought and expression. - Summary by Extracted from Preface (4 hr 38 min)


The Lord's Day Morning (Prayers by Mr. Matthew Henry from his Method of Prayer) 8:00 Read by sgoetz73
The Lord's Day Evening 9:22 Read by JuanitaCunningham
General Intercession 3:18 Read by InTheDesert
Monday Morning 9:41 Read by Markjeremys
Monday Evening 6:56 Read by LuellaMargaret
Tuesday Morning 5:50 Read by ChristopherD
Tuesday Evening (By Mr Baxter from his Poor Man's Family Book) 7:42 Read by ChristopherD
Wednesday Morning 7:22 Read by WillS
Wednesday Evening 8:08 Read by WillS
Thursday Morning 9:08 Read by Belladana
Thursday Evening 8:15 Read by Belladana
Friday Morning (By Mr. Bennett from his Christian Oratory) 7:32 Read by ChristopherD
Friday Evening 7:17 Read by ChristopherD
Saturday Morning (By Dr. Watts from his Guide to Prayer 6:48 Read by ChristopherD
Saturday Evening 8:15 Read by KevinS
The Lord's Day Morning (By Mr. Willison from his Treatise on the Lord's Day) 6:31 Read by ChristopherD
The Lord's Day Evening 10:03 Read by Angela Ortiz
Monday Morning 8:27 Read by Angela Ortiz
Monday Evening 8:04 Read by Angela Ortiz
Tuesday Morning 6:14 Read by LuellaMargaret
Tuesday Evening (By Dr. Doddridge from his Address to the Master of a Family) 8:58 Read by LuellaMargaret
Wednesday Morning (By Dr. Doddridge from his Rise and Progress) 6:53 Read by LuellaMargaret
Wednesday Evening 7:13 Read by LuellaMargaret
Thursday Morning 6:50 Read by LuellaMargaret
Thursday Evening 6:35 Read by LuellaMargaret
Friday Morning 7:02 Read by LuellaMargaret
Friday Evening 6:36 Read by LuellaMargaret
Saturday Morning 5:56 Read by LuellaMargaret
Saturday Evening 7:56 Read by KevinS
Saturday Evening, or Lord's Day Morning, Previous to the Lord's Supper by Mr. G… 7:52 Read by LuellaMargaret
The Lord's Prayer paraphrased in the Words of the Assembly 3:40 Read by WillS
The Lord's Prayer paraphrased by Dr. Doddridge 3:17 Read by ChristopherD
On the Birth of a Child 1:54 Read by Angela Ortiz
For the Children of the Family 5:29 Read by Angela Ortiz
Previous to the Baptism of a Child 2:23 Read by kevinHolm
After the Baptism of a Child 3:33 Read by Angela Ortiz
On the Death of a Child or Other Relative 2:52 Read by Angela Ortiz
When any one in the Family is Sick 2:00 Read by Angela Ortiz
On the Recovery of any one from Sickness 1:36 Read by Angela Ortiz
For one expecting the Time of Travail 1:14 Read by Angela Ortiz
For Direction in any important Concern 1:21 Read by Angela Ortiz
For a young Person going from Home with a View to Business 1:59 Read by Angela Ortiz
For any going, or gone a Journey 1:32 Read by Angela Ortiz
On returning from a Journey in Safety 0:58 Read by InTheDesert
On being preserved in imminent Danger 1:22 Read by Angela Ortiz
For a Servant just come into the Family 1:14 Read by Angela Ortiz
For a Servant leaving the Family 1:11 Read by Angela Ortiz
Previous to the Lord’s Supper 1:52 Read by ccaudio
After the Lord's Supper 2:11 Read by Angela Ortiz
At the Close or Beginning of a Year 3:03 Read by ccaudio
The Lord's Prayer by Matthew and Luke 1:52 Read by Larry Wilson
Scripture-Doxologies 5:12 Read by Larry Wilson
Postscript on Singing 1:42 Read by Larry Wilson