Talks by Bhante AggaCitta

Talks by Ven Aggacitta Venerable Aggacitta Bhikkhu is a Malaysian Theravada Buddhist monk who received his higher ordination at Mahasi Meditation Centre, Rangoon, Burma, in 1979. He was trained under various teachers, notably Sayadaw U Pandita (Panditarama), Sayadaw U Tissara (Yankin Forest Monastry), and Sayadaw U Acinna (Pa Auk Forest Monastery).  Besides practising meditation, he studied advanced Pali and translation in Thai and Burmese under Sayadaw U Dhammananda at Wat Tamaoh, Lampang, Thailand, from 1983 to 1984. He continued to study the Pali Tipitaka and researched on its interpretation and practice in Myanmar until his return to Malaysia at the end of 1994.  In 2000, he founded Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) , a Theravada monk training center nestled among secluded valleys and brooks near Taiping, Perak, Malaysia .
