The White Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 2 reviews)

This historical romance is a telling of the fall of the Aztec Empire. The epic begins on the eve of the dedication ceremony of the monumental Aztec Sun Stone, on which occasion the heroic Tlaxcaltec warrior Tlahuicole fights his fatal gladitorial combat against insurmountable odds, imposed upon him for his defiance of the Aztec priests and their blood-thirsty gods, and ends with the fall of Tenochtitlan, the ancient capital of the Aztecs, at the hands of a coalition of Spanish and allied native forces led by Hernán Cortés. - Summary by Brian Fullen (8 hr 16 min)


A Captive Warrior 12:24 Read by Brian Fullen
Remember that Thou Art a Toltec! 12:24 Read by Brian Fullen
In the Market-place of Tenochtitlan 12:20 Read by Brian Fullen
Tlahuicol's Last Battle 11:51 Read by Mario Pineda
Huetzin's Miraculous Escape 12:56 Read by Mario Pineda
Two Slaves of Iztapalapan 10:41 Read by Mario Pineda
Loyalty Outweighs Gold and Freedom 12:08 Read by Brian Fullen
Trapping a King's Courier 12:23 Read by Mario Pineda
Who are the White Conquerors? 13:38 Read by Mario Pineda
The Sign of the God of the Four Winds 14:20 Read by Rosario Rosas
How the Tlascalans Fought 11:52 Read by Mario Pineda
A Son of the House of Titcala 13:44 Read by Mario Pineda
How Peace was Brought About 13:15 Read by Mario Pineda
A Challenge and Its Result 11:23 Read by Mario Pineda
Marching on Cholula 12:32 Read by Mario Pineda
A Sacrifice of Children and What It Portended 11:26 Read by Mario Pineda
Punishment of the Conspirators 12:04 Read by Mario Pineda
First Glimpse of the Mexican Valley 12:36 Read by Mario Pineda
Montezuma Welcomes the Conquerors to Tenochtitlan 14:18 Read by Mario Pineda
Huetzin in the Power of the Chief Priest 11:57 Read by Mario Pineda
A Superstitious King 13:19 Read by Mario Pineda
Sandoval Plights his Troth 12:34 Read by Mario Pineda
In the Passages Beneath the Temple 12:13 Read by Mario Pineda
Montezuma is Made Prisoner 11:27 Read by Mario Pineda
Cortes Captures and Enlists the Army of his Rival 12:19 Read by Mario Pineda
Tiata's Brave Death and Sandoval's Grief 11:34 Read by Mario Pineda
The Conquerors are Besieged in Their Quarters 12:22 Read by Mario Pineda
A Battle in Mid-air 11:35 Read by Mario Pineda
The Glorious Triumph of Tlalco 12:00 Read by Mario Pineda
Montezuma's Successor Defies the Conquerors 13:05 Read by Mario Pineda
The Retreat from Tenochtitlan 12:47 Read by Mario Pineda
A Night of Fighting, Despair, and Death 12:11 Read by Mario Pineda
Marina is Lost and Saved 12:48 Read by Mario Pineda
Sorrow Turned into Joy, and Darkness into Light 10:40 Read by Mario Pineda
The Desperate Battle of Otampan 12:09 Read by Mario Pineda
Victory Snatched from Defeat 11:05 Read by Mario Pineda
Once More in the Mexican Valley 13:04 Read by Mario Pineda
Launching the First American Warships 12:17 Read by Mario Pineda
Alderete's Fatal Error 13:35 Read by Mario Pineda
Final Overthrow of the Aztec Gods 12:51 Read by Mario Pineda