The Guide for the Perplexed, Part 3

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

The Guide for the Perplexed, Part 3 (Arabic: دلالة الحائرين Dalālat al-ḥā'irīn דלאלת אלחאירין; Hebrew: מורה נבוכים Moreh Nevuchim) by Rabbi Moses ben Maimon the Sephardi (משה ברבי מימון הספרדי) who is commonly known as Maimonides and also referred to by the acronym Rambam (רמב״ם). The Guide was written in Judeo-Arabic using the Hebrew alphabet in the form of a three-part letter to the Rambam's student, Rabbi Joseph ben Judah of Ceuta. Maimonides says, "To give a full explanation of the mystic passages of the Bible is contrary to the Law and to reason; besides, my knowledge of them is based on reasoning, not on divine inspiration. I have not received my belief in this respect from any teacher, but it has been formed by what I learnt from Scripture and the utterances of our Sages, and by the philosophical principles which I have adopted. ... I ask you to study attentively the chapters which follow on this sublime, important, and grand subject, which is the pin upon which everything hangs, and the pillar upon which everything rests." Translated by Michael Friedländer who was principal of Jews' College. Cover: The Serpent Beguiled Me by cartoonist Robin Bougie. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia and the text) (14 hr 11 min)


Introduction & I. The "Four Faces" are Human Faces with four different peculiar… 8:49 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
II. The Ḥayyot and the Ofannim 19:01 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
III. Further Explanation of the Ḥayyot and the Ofannim derived from Ezek. x. 5:47 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
IV. The rendering of Ofan by Gilgal in the Targum of Jonathan 7:01 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
V. The Vision of Ezekiel is divided into three stages: (1) Ḥayyot (=the Spheres… 6:45 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
VI. On the Difference between the Vision of Ezekiel and that of Isaiah (vi.) 4:00 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
VII. The Different Ways in which the Prophet perceived the Three Parts of the M… 11:48 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
VIII Man has the Power to Control his Bodily Wants and Earthly Desires 23:41 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
IX. The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection 4:30 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
X. God is not the Creator of Evil 9:53 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XI. Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes 3:02 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XII. Three Kinds of Evil : (1) That caused by the Nature of Man ; (2) Caused by… 23:41 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XIII. The Universe has No other Purpose than its own Existence 28:38 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XIV. It is the Will of the Creator that the Spheres regulate the Affairs of Man… 9:05 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XV. Impossible Things are not ascribed to the Creator, but it is difficult to P… 5:18 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XVI. On God's Omniscience 9:03 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XVII. Five Theories concerning Providence 35:20 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XVIII. Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Provid… 8:10 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XIX. It is an ancient Error to Assume that God takes no Notice of Man 12:15 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XX. God's Knowledge is Different from Man's Knowledge 11:54 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXI. The Creator's knowledge of His Production is Perfect 5:38 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXII. Object of the Book of Job, and Explanation of the First Two Chapters 18:58 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXIII. Job and his Friends Discuss the various Theories concerning Providence 26:35 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXIV. On Trials and Temptations 18:58 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXV. The Actions of God are Not Purposeless 14:27 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXVI. The Divine Precepts Serve a certain Purpose 13:18 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXVII. The Object of the Divine Precepts is to Secure the Well-being of Man's S… 7:35 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXVIII. This Object is easily seen in some Precepts, whilst in others it is onl… 6:47 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXIX. On the Sabeans or Star-worshippers 28:12 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXX. It is one of the Objects of the Law of Moses to Oppose Idolatry 5:52 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXI. The Law Promotes the Well-being of Man by teaching Truth, Morality and So… 4:44 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXII. Why did God give Laws to Oppose Idolatry instead of Uprooting it directl… 29:05 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXIII. Another chief Object of the Law is to Train Man in Mastering his Appeti… 9:28 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXIV. The Law is based on the ordinary condition of man 4:28 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXV. Division of the Precepts into Fourteen Classes 12:42 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXVI. First Class of Precepts, to Know, Love and Fear God 6:36 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXVII. Second Class, Laws concerning Idolatry 37:45 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXVIII. Third Class, Moral Precepts 1:36 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XXXIX. Fourth Class, Laws relating to Charity 18:03 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XL. Fifth Class, Compensation for Injury and the Duty of Preventing Sin 12:07 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLI. Sixth Class, Punishment of the Sinner 42:11 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLII. Seventh Class, Equity and Honesty 8:39 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLIII. Eighth Class, Sabbath and Festivals 15:28 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLIV. Ninth Class, Prayer, Tefillin, Ẓiẓit and Mezuzah 1:52 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLV. Tenth Class, The Temple, its Vessels and its Ministers 22:10 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLVI. Eleventh Class, Sacrifices 45:11 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLVII. Twelfth Class, Distinction between Clean and Unclean; and on Purification 22:37 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLVIII. Thirteenth Class, Dietary Laws 13:37 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
XLIX. Fourteenth Class, Marriage Laws 45:19 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
L. On Scriptural Passages with seemingly Purposeless Contents 19:41 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
LI. How God is worshipped by a Perfect Man 45:25 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
LII. On the Fear of God 7:44 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
LIII. Explanation of Ḥesed (Love), Mishpat (Judgment), and Ẓedaḳah (Righteousne… 6:59 Read by Geoffrey Edwards
LIV. On True Wisdom 25:18 Read by Geoffrey Edwards