The Thirteenth Man

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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Philip Barrimore is driven to distraction by his uncle, who has taken up residence in his mother's home. Against all advice, he takes a cottage some 5 miles away in order to write. Things get complicated when the girl he loves, the beautiful Phyllis, makes him complicit in her secret marriage just two days earlier. Her new husband has left for India, and in his absence, her old beau returns to try and persuade her to marry him. As Philip tries to settle in his new home, ghosts from the past resurface to muddy the waters further. - Summary by Lynne T (8 hr 29 min)


Which Introduces a Young Author 8:56 Read by James R. Hedrick
A Confession 12:18 Read by Nancy Gorgen
An Alarming Suggestion 12:02 Read by Winnifred Assmann
A Complication 11:29 Read by alyseclark
A Woman’s Honor 11:41 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Thirteenth Man 11:11 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Prisoner 11:19 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Kiss 9:36 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Phyllis Throws a Bomb 9:59 Read by Nancy Gorgen
For a Son’s Sake 9:41 Read by Nancy Gorgen
A Ray of Hope 9:24 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Mystery of the Little Wood 8:28 Read by Nancy Gorgen
A Judgment by Appearances 12:00 Read by Nancy Gorgen
“And what a Noble Plot was Crossed” 10:46 Read by Nancy Gorgen
“Strong in War, but Weak in Love” 9:08 Read by KimberlyB
The Birth of a Soul 13:09 Read by Jennifer Harty
What a Dog’s Leash Prevented 12:27 Read by Jennifer Harty
Philip Sits in Judgment 11:24 Read by Jennifer Harty
Colonel Lane Goes Off Guard 12:17 Read by fred
“So Near, and Yet so Far!” 12:59 Read by Yoganandh T
Two Men Discuss a Woman 11:45 Read by fred
Alvin Tries Artfully to Bring Old Lovers Together 10:42 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Letter 11:14 Read by Yoganandh T
Worse Complications 10:15 Read by Gila Labinger Freeberg
Phyllis the Martyr! 12:26 Read by RebeccaTruestone
“Drat Love Affairs!” Said Mrs. Pickett 11:43 Read by Nancy Gorgen
A Half-Confidence 11:32 Read by tommyjeff78
The Problem of Eweretta’s Mind 9:00 Read by tommyjeff78
“A Daniel Indeed!” 9:17 Read by tommyjeff78
Such is Love 9:42 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Colonel Goes Again “On Duty” 12:30 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Uncle Robert is Effectively Damped 12:51 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Damning Evidence 12:06 Read by fagancn
The Flight of Phyllis 9:35 Read by fagancn
Philip Takes Drastic Measures 9:51 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Colonel Lane Apologizes 9:53 Read by jldinsmore
The Hand of Fate 13:51 Read by LesWilLang
In the Depths of Despair 13:44 Read by LesWilLang
A Supernatural Happening 10:53 Read by RebeccaTruestone
Mother and Son 8:46 Read by Nancy Gorgen
A Testimonial to Miss Linkin 10:21 Read by jldinsmore
How Reputations are Ruined 10:12 Read by Winnifred Assmann
A Miraculous Medicine 10:45 Read by John
How an Edition of “Wings and Winds” was Sold 8:34 Read by Nancy Gorgen
How a Scandal-Monger was Served 8:51 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Mystery of the Little Wood Revealed at Last 12:18 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Last 6:08 Read by Nancy Gorgen