Einstein and the Universe

Read by J. M. Smallheer

(4.6 stars; 6 reviews)

"M. Nordmann has presented Einstein’s principle in words which lift the average reader over many of the difficulties he must encounter in trying to take it in. Remembering Goethe’s maxim that he who would accomplish anything must limit himself, he has not aimed at covering the full field to which Einstein’s teaching is directed. But he succeeds in making many abstruse things intelligible to the layman." - Summary by from the Preface by Viscount Haldane

Giving significant credit to Henri Poincaré and others whose work provided some of the basis from which Einstein developed his Special and General Theories of Relativity, Nordmann provides easily grasped examples to explain complex phenomena outside the grasp of the non-physicist. Finally, he compares and contrasts the Relativist vs. Newtonian interpretation of the world. (Summary by J. M. Smallheer) (5 hr 11 min)


Preface by Viscount Richard Burton Haldane 6:08 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Introduction 5:15 Read by J. M. Smallheer
The Metmorphoses of Space and Time 27:05 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Science in a No-Thoroughfare 23:59 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Science in a No-Thoroughfare, continued 15:02 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Einstein's Solution 23:04 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Einstein's Solution, continued 13:37 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Einstein's Mechanics 25:28 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Einstein's Mechanics, continued 24:37 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Generalised Relativity 23:27 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Generalised Relativity, continued 16:24 Read by J. M. Smallheer
The New Conception of Gravitation 23:34 Read by J. M. Smallheer
The New Conception of Gravitation, continued 18:28 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Is the Universe Infinite? 20:00 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Science and Reality 22:49 Read by J. M. Smallheer
Einstein or Newton? 23:02 Read by J. M. Smallheer