Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4 stars; 1 reviews)

This book contains many brief tales from history of commoners pretending to be kings and kings pretending to be commoners. Learn the fate of a Dutch merchant who wanted a kiss from the disguised Peter the Great's wife. Learn how a farmer's daughter born in 1750 in England gained attention and fame in many lands, and why her death was disbelieved. Learn about early vampires and ghosts. Find out the answers to these and other stories within this book. (Summary by mleigh) (10 hr 7 min)


Chapter I: Introductory Remarks 10:09 Read by Kerry Adams
Chapter II: On Ancient Oracles, etc. 43:19 Read by ahinsa
Chapter III: False Messiahs, Prophets, and Miracles, Part 1 33:26 Read by ahinsa
Chapter III: False Messiahs, Prophets, and Miracles, Part 2 37:31 Read by ahinsa
Chapter IV: Roman Catholic Superstitions, etc. 23:35 Read by M. A, Henson
Chapter V: Royal Imposters 27:33 Read by M. A, Henson
Chapter VI: Disguises Assumed by, or in Behalf of, Royalty, Part 1 29:36 Read by roselbex
Chapter VI: Disguises Assumed by, or in Behalf of, Royalty, Part 2 23:50 Read by roselbex
Chapter VII: Military Strategems 16:31 Read by ToddHW
Chapter VIII: Malingering, or Simulation of Diseases 19:05 Read by TR Love
Chapter IX: Miscellaneous Imposters and Impostures, Part 1 25:54 Read by nathanmeyers
Chapter IX: Miscellaneous Imposters and Impostures, Part 2 16:48 Read by nathanmeyers
Chapter X: Literary Imposters and Disguises, Part 1 44:03 Read by roselbex
Chapter X: Literary Imposters and Disguises, Part 2 24:49 Read by roselbex
Chapter X: Literary Imposters and Disguises, Part 3 33:45 Read by roselbex
Chapter XI: Impostures in Engraving 5:46 Read by Claudia Caldi
Chapter XII: Forged Inscriptions and Spurious Medals 11:44 Read by gont
Chapter XIII: Attempt to Steal the Regalia from the Tower 7:29 Read by Availle
Chapter XIV: Vampyrism 12:16 Read by ostrichreads
Chapter XV: Juggling 16:50 Read by ToddHW
Chapter XVI: Prodigies 19:07 Read by Availle
Chapter XVII: The Delusions of Alchemy 31:43 Read by Martin Hill
Chapter XVIII: Astrology 13:03 Read by Martin Hill
Chapter XIX: Medical Delusions and Frauds, Part 1 32:01 Read by docdlmartin
Chapter XIX: Medical Delusions and Frauds, Part 2 25:49 Read by docdlmartin
Concluding Chapter: Miscellaneous 22:08 Read by roselbex


Some good anecdotes...

(4 stars)

... some good readers and some bad ones.