The Life of Christ

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(5 stars; 1 reviews)

The author, Frederic W. Farrar, was a Doctor of Divinity, and Fellow of the Royal Society, and at the time of publication of this edition, a late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Canon of Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. Covering the scope of Christ's life, death, and resurrection, the book is written by a believer to believers, although certainly nonbelievers may find it enlightening. The author does not shrink from the miracles of Christ’s life, as described in the Gospels, but views his Lord as the supreme lawgiver of nature’s laws. Dr. Farrar enriches his work with his first hand acquaintance of the Holy Land, his exhaustive study of other scholars (including many Jewish sources), and his intimate knowledge of Biblical Greek, Latin and other languages. Christ’s story is beautifully told, with continual observations that are rich with religious insight and context. The print text provides footnotes, not included here, that even the most fastidious scholar will find a sufficient buttress for this exhaustive work. Among religious scholars, The Life of Christ, is considered a classic, withstanding the test of time. - Summary by Paul Douglas Callister (23 hr 32 min)


Preface 39:20 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Nativity 23:00 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Presentation in the Temple 11:46 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Visit of the Magi 19:17 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Flight into Egypt, and the Massacre of the Innocents 19:26 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Boyhood of Jesus 26:59 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
Jesus in the Temple 24:38 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Home at Nazareth 45:14 Read by Paul Douglas Callister
The Baptism of John 20:02 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Temptation 32:03 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The First Apostles 25:51 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The First Miracle 19:09 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Scene of the Ministry 15:35 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jesus at the Passover 18:58 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Nicodemus 12:52 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Woman of Samaria 13:54 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Rejected by the Nazarenes 16:46 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry 25:00 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Twelve, and the Sermon on the Mount 27:23 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Further Miracles 12:42 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jesus at Nain 17:54 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Sinner and the Pharisee 14:55 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jesus as He lived in Galilee 19:46 Read by Gillian Hendrie
A great day in the life of Jesus 30:42 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The day of Matthew's Feast 12:06 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The day of Matthew's Feast (cont.) 10:46 Read by Gillian Hendrie
A Visit to Jerusalem 14:38 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Miracle at Bethesda 20:40 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Murder of John the Baptist 20:16 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Feeding of the Five Thousand, and Walking on the Sea 15:25 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Discourse at Capernaum 16:43 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Gathering Opposition 39:24 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Deepening Opposition 21:50 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Day of Conflict 14:39 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Among the Heathen 11:37 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Great Confession 35:07 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Transfiguration 10:54 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Demoniac Boy 13:00 Read by Gillian Hendrie
A Brief Rest in Capernaum 8:27 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles 20:43 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Woman Taken in Adultery 25:53 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Man Born Blind 12:02 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Farewell to Galilee 24:52 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Incidents of the Journey 11:34 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Teachings of the Journey 41:36 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Feast of Dedication 16:10 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Last Stay in Peraea 23:45 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Raising of Lazarus 17:53 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jericho and Bethany 26:34 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Palm Sunday 22:34 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Monday in Passion Week - a Day of Parables 22:55 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Day of Temptations; The Last and Greatest Day of the Public Ministry of Jes… 18:28 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Great Denunciation 19:45 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Farewell to the Temple 23:46 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Beginning of the End 15:38 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Last Supper 28:32 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Last Discourse 20:49 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Gethsemane - the Agony and the Arrest 34:11 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jesus before the Priests and the Sanhedrin 26:53 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Interval between the Trials 24:20 Read by Gillian Hendrie
Jesus before Pilate 50:22 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Crucifixion 48:12 Read by Gillian Hendrie
The Resurrection 36:04 Read by Gillian Hendrie