Billy Budd
Herman Melville
Read by ScientificMethodist

Young naive sailor Billy Budd is impressed into military service with the British navy in the 1790s, framed for conspiracy to mutiny, summarily convicted in a drum-head court martial, and hanged. Billy Budd is the final published work by Herman Melville, discovered in his personal papers three decades after his death. (Summary by ScientificMethodist) (3 hr 6 min)
Chapter 1 | 16:21 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 2-4 | 18:36 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 5-7 | 19:12 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 8-10 | 19:17 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 11-12 | 13:18 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 13-15 | 13:26 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 16-17 | 24:57 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapter 18 | 24:52 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 19-21 | 15:55 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
Chapters 22-26 | 21:05 | Read by ScientificMethodist |
as worth reading as Job.

Luke 1979 Kiwi
something of a similar kind of story. I think I might have to copy the wee verse at the end into my little book. I'm not sure if I don't like this story better than Moby Dick. and it's not really like Job at all in the particulars, it's just that there's something similar happening on the spiritual level here.
strange, haunting, imperfect story

A haunting, purely Melvillean hybrid of homoeroticism and Christian allegory. has its flaws, and I think it never clarifies how to interpret the captain's decision to have billy hanged, but is a masterpiece nonetheless
Very Enjoyable

Brian D
Herman Melville writes with musical verboseness but tells a good story. One that today is a description of how misinformation is created
an interesting and touching story and so well narrated

Much to think about here. This story will stay with me.Thanks, narrator. Great job!
I hate metaphors

A LibriVox Listener
just a short simple tale about a man who hates baseless accusations
not my favorite

I couldn't follow the sentences but a nice reading voice

Robert Kaufman
I guess I'll never fully understand military justice.

A fantastic presentation of this timeless masterpiece.