Frigid Fracas

Read by Dale Grothmann

(4.5 stars; 41 reviews)

In any status-hungry culture, the level a man is assigned depends on what people think he is—not on what he is. And that, of course, means that only the deliberately phony has real status! - Summary by Mack Reynolds (4 hr 38 min)


I 20:50 Read by Dale Grothmann
II 16:06 Read by Dale Grothmann
III 10:04 Read by Dale Grothmann
IV 5:44 Read by Dale Grothmann
V 23:15 Read by Dale Grothmann
VI 12:17 Read by Dale Grothmann
VII 17:53 Read by Dale Grothmann
VIII 6:49 Read by Dale Grothmann
IX 6:22 Read by Dale Grothmann
X 22:10 Read by Dale Grothmann
XI 3:50 Read by Dale Grothmann
XII 4:52 Read by Dale Grothmann
XIII 4:17 Read by Dale Grothmann
XIV 24:23 Read by Dale Grothmann
XV 17:08 Read by Dale Grothmann
XVI 7:53 Read by Dale Grothmann
XVII 10:48 Read by Dale Grothmann
XIX 10:03 Read by Dale Grothmann
XVIII 10:14 Read by Dale Grothmann
XX 11:59 Read by Dale Grothmann
XXI 17:30 Read by Dale Grothmann
XXII 13:42 Read by Dale Grothmann


(2 stars)

Story wasn't captivating enough to keep listening to the reader. He pronounces the words alright, but the way he reads, they don't make sense until you've heard the whole sentence and re-phrase it in your head.

Disappointing follow up

(3 stars)

Had high hopes for this after the novella that preceded it, "Mercenary". Go read that instead.

Great story

(5 stars)

Good Cold War story, lots of twists and turns. Excellent reading by Dale

I loved it

(5 stars)

it's a fantastic fellow up to mercenary

completely RayCyst

(5 stars)

These raycyst white cis gendered protagonists wage silly wars and silly fracases about silly economic systems. The real existential enemy is white male phalogocentricism and people who do not respect Transgendered bathroom rights Rather than increasing ones social status by waging wars for the accumulation of wealth and power we should be waging wars to show who is the most diverse and inclusive. There. I have shown how raycyst this fictional work by an old white person is. My status on the woke hierarchy has increased. I am better than you because I care more