The Benson Murder Case

(5 stars; 2 reviews)

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New York dilettante Philo Vance decides to assist the police in investigating the death of another man-about-town because he finds the psychological aspects of the crime of interest and feels that they would be beyond the capacities of the police, even those of his friend District Attorney Markham. Vance investigates the circumstances under which the body was found and reconstructs the crime sufficiently to determine that the murderer is five feet, ten and a half inches in height. Together, Vance and Markham investigate Benson’s business associates and romantic interests until Vance manages to pierce the murderer’s alibi for the time of the murder and force a confession. (Summary by Wikipedia)

This audiobook was produced by Legamus.

This book is part of the Legamus collection. It is public domain in the European Union, where it is hosted on Legamus' servers. It may not be legally accessed in the United States.


one of my favorite readers

(5 stars)

I liked the way "sissy boy" was able to show how any of the characters could become the suspect. He does it so well. He is so clever and witty. I sure hope there are more books