Doctor Jack's Soapbox Seminars
John C. Adler, Ph.D.
Read by John C. Adler, Ph.D.
What if the cataclysmic Tunguska explosion of 1908 was caused, not by a meteor or a comet, but by a microscopic black hole?
... Well, like as not, you already know that story -- the one told by Bill DeSmedt in his award-winning novel/podcast Singularity. What you may not know, though, is the story behind the story: the science behind Singularity.
Surprisingly (or maybe not), you can learn a lot about primordial black holes and the Tunguska Event and black hole radiation and the Big Bang on the pages of Singularity. And you don't have to take our word for it: some world-class physicists think so too:
"Bill got the vast majority of the physics right, which is highly unusual -- especially in a book that is such a good read."
-- Kip Thorne, Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology and author of Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy
"Singularity is an uncommonly good science thriller, quite free of the poetic license some writers take with the laws of nature in order to put together the yarn."
-- Jacob D. Bekenstein, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem and discoverer of black-hole entropy
"As a specialist in black hole astrophysics, I would have to say that this is one of the most creative uses of primordial black-hole theory in science fiction."
-- Scott A. Hughes, Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Now, for the first time, the real-life counterpart of Singularity's resident cosmologist, Doctor Jack Adler, steps up to explain what it is all these scientists are raving about, in his "Soapbox Seminars" -- an informal look at the hard-core science behind the novel.
PS: Doctor Jack's got about fifteen or so of these seminars planned out so far, but that's subject to change -- and you could change it. If you've got a question about the science behind Singularity, send it to Jack at doctorjack at Jack will incorporate some of your questions into upcoming Seminars, and the all-time best question will win a hardcover copy of Singularity, signed by the author, Bill DeSmedt.
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By: Steve
I won't pretend to understand everything Jack had to say, but this is definitely one of my favourite podiobooks. Although I could not understand 100%, due to your 'down-to-earth' manner of speech, I would say I got 90% of it. Thank you so much, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. To ...
By: Bill DeSmedt
Hey, Steve -- Thanks for the kind words about Doctor Jack (and Singularity). I'm glad you enjoyed them. As to Dualism, if it were a movie (I should be so lucky, right?), it'd be in post-production now -- all done but the editing. Hoping to have it in the can ...
By: Bill DeSmedt
LOL, Nelline -- Your "Oh, wait ..." tagline reminded me of the verse from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme song: If you wonder how Mike eats and breathes, And other science facts, You should think to yourself "It's just a show -- I should really just relax!" :) Seriously, ...
By: Bill DeSmedt
Hi, James -- thanks for the kind words, and (I know you guys have heard this before, but) Dualism's nearly in the can. Still wrestling with a prologue, and some nips and tucks but shooting for the end of June. Bill
By: psionandy
Wow... a great head-stretcher of a book. Certainly not what I was expecting but I'm so glad that Doctor Jack, or Bill or whoever ;) wrote this... I never knew that I liked black holes till now
By: James
So, did Duality ever get released? I just finished Singularity (loved it). Now I need more. Getting ready to listen to Doctor Jack, but I was hoping to have Duality ready to go.
By: Eamon
Hi, I really enjoyed the podcast of the novel and have purchased the book as well. Any news on Dualism? Looking forward to it! :) Eamon
By: Paul Carpenter
I am a fan of this book. It is an excellent presentation of complex ideas in physics. Particularly commendable is the book's spirit of open-minded investigation.