Down Our Way - Single Episodes

(4.6 stars; 5 reviews)

DOWN OUR WAY Not much is known about this series. A search on the internet turned up virtually nothing, and it is not mentioned in any of the reference books, except for a short blurb in Jay Hickerson’s Ultimate Guide. However, it is a very entertaining show. The storyline revolves around neighbors helping neighbors, and using their faith in their daily lives. Believed to have been made in the early 1930s, the series is accented with the main characters practicing their choir hymnals. It was a much simpler time and given today’s atmosphere, it would be great to have that time return. You can go back, if only for 30 minutes at a time. Please contact the Old Time Radio Researchers Group if you have any information on this series. Thanks! From the Old Time Radio Researcher's Group. See "Note" Section below for more information on the OTRR.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.




(5 stars)

BEST OLD TIME RADIO. Some May Call This Boring.But Not Me.