Devotional Hours with the Bible, Vol 1
Gelesen von MaryAnn
James Russell Miller
One way of studying the Bible is to get from it practical lessons from our daily life. This is the purpose that is in mind in this book. It does not attempt to cover every chapter; to do this would make it altogether too long--it deals only with what appear to be leading and representative portions of the Bible.
It is a book for use in the inner chamber where life receives its impulses for conduct, for duty, for service, and for devotion. The Bible is a very ancient book, but it is also a book for to-day. It brings us face to face with God, and its teachings are meant to guide us in all our ways. (adapted from the Preface)
This is volume 1 of 8 and is subtitled "From the Creation to the Crossing of the Red Sea".
Books in this series:
Volume 1: From the Creation to the Crossing of the Red Sea
Volume 2: From the Crossing of the Red Sea to the Close of David's Life
[in progress] (6 hr 51 min)