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Catherine Booth
Catherine Booth and William Booth were a ministry team founding the Salvation Army, which has spread from its humble beginnings in England to a global church with a presence in 131 countries and a membership of 1.7 million. Although best known to many people for its relief and charitable work, the Salvation Army is at its core a church from the Wesleyan tradition. Partly due the strong leadership from Catherine Booth, women are encouraged to participate fully in the ministry to the highest levels.
In this book Catherine Booth’s writing touches on the basics of faith – repentance, faith, charity and prayer. The book concludes with a series of addresses on holiness, the cardinal doctrine of Holiness churches.
- Summary by Larry Wilson (4 hr 48 min)
The seeds of renewal and revival are often in the heart and words of the founders of those movements. They will need sometimes to be contextualized to be understood. They may need to be integrated with other truths... mostly they need to be believed and acted on. It has been true for the last 2000 years... the large numbers of religious fools that have changed the world for the better because they were determined to follow Jesus... even if this meant apparently learning to walk on water. Revival has 2 enduring marks... a religious concern for and commitment to be with the poor Isaiah 58 and the power of the Holy Spirit. Resistance to revival seeks to separate these two things... Remembering that when Jesus started his ministry he quotes the prophets by saying, “The Spirit of the lord is upon me to preach good news to the poor...”
At the threshold again?
Joel O'Shea
Listen for deep understanding and correction