The Psychology of Religion

Read by Curt Walton

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“The present volume is an excursus into individual psychology, and represents only one of several aspects of the psychology... “It is a purely empirical study into the Line of Growth in Religion in individuals, and an inquiry into the causes and conditions which determine it...” From the Introduction, p11.

Diagrams from the text can be downloaded here. (13 hr 11 min)


Prefaces 9:35 Read by Curt Walton
I. - Introduction 35:17 Read by Curt Walton
II. - Sources for the Study of Conversion 12:35 Read by Curt Walton
III. - The Age of Conversion 32:45 Read by Curt Walton
IV. - The Motives and Forces Leading to Conversion 14:55 Read by Curt Walton
V. - Experiences Preceeding Conversion 33:59 Read by Curt Walton
VI. - The Mental and Bodily Affections immediately accompanying Conversion 26:58 Read by Curt Walton
VII. - In what Conversion Consists 19:44 Read by Curt Walton
VIII. - The Conscious and Sub-Conscious Elements in Conversion 34:29 Read by Curt Walton
IX. - The Quality of Feeling following Conversion 13:01 Read by Curt Walton
X. - The Character of the New Life 20:46 Read by Curt Walton
XI. - Conversion as a Normal Human Experience 19:34 Read by Curt Walton
XII. - A General View of Conversion 34:26 Read by Curt Walton
XIII. - The Abnormal Aspect of Conversion 33:14 Read by Curt Walton
XIV. - Sources of Data 8:12 Read by Curt Walton
XV. - The Religion of Childhood 12:46 Read by Curt Walton
XVI. - Adolescence - Spontaneous Religious Awakenings 33:35 Read by Curt Walton
XVII. - Adolescence - Storm and Stress 39:00 Read by Curt Walton
XVIII. - Adolescence - Doubt 21:51 Read by Curt Walton
XIX. - Adolescence - Alienation 14:18 Read by Curt Walton
XX. - Adolescence - The Birth of a Larger Self 32:51 Read by Curt Walton
XXI. - Adolescence - Substitutes for Religious Feeling 16:28 Read by Curt Walton
XXII. - Adult Life - The Period of Reconstruction 34:36 Read by Curt Walton
XXIII. - External Influences 5:28 Read by Curt Walton
XXIV - Growth without Definite Transitions 25:27 Read by Curt Walton
XXV. - Adult Life - Beliefs 21:51 Read by Curt Walton
XXVI. - Adult Life - Religious Feelings 23:42 Read by Curt Walton
XXVII. - Adult Life - Motives and Purposes 26:39 Read by Curt Walton
XXVIII. - The Line of Growth Following Conversion 41:19 Read by Curt Walton
XXIX. - Sanctification 34:21 Read by Curt Walton
XXX. - A General View of the Line of Religious Growth 32:30 Read by Curt Walton
XXXI. - Some Educational Inferences 25:40 Read by Curt Walton