Redskin and Cow-Boy: A Tale of the Western Plains

Read by Dory

(4.8 stars; 34 reviews)

The central interest of this story is found in the many adventures of an English lad who seeks employment as a cowboy on a cattle ranch. His experiences during a "roundup" present in picturesque form the toilsome, exciting, adventurous life of a cowboy; while the perils of a frontier settlement are vividly set forth in an Indian raid, accompanied by pillage, capture, and recapture. The story is packed full of breezy adventure. (10 hr 39 min)


Preface 1:36 Read by Dory
Chapter 1: An Advertisement 33:44 Read by Dory
Chapter 2: Terrible News 37:57 Read by Dory
Chapter 3: The Wanderer's Return 28:58 Read by Dory
Chapter 4: An Explosion 27:57 Read by Dory
Chapter 5: Across the Sea 28:21 Read by Dory
Chapter 6: A Horse Deal 32:30 Read by Dory
Chapter 7: Among the Cow-boys 29:38 Read by Dory
Chapter 8: A Rattlesnake Diet 34:03 Read by Dory
Chapter 9: A Round-up 28:24 Read by Dory
Chapter 10: A Race 30:37 Read by Dory
Chapter 11: A Fire on the Plains 31:23 Read by Dory
Chapter 12: An Indian Raid 29:58 Read by Dory
Chapter 13: Rescued 30:42 Read by Dory
Chapter 14: Surrounded by Redskins 29:27 Read by Dory
Chapter 15: With the Waggon Teams 39:11 Read by Dory
Chapter 16: A Mining Expedition 31:09 Read by Dory
Chapter 17: Carried off 28:24 Read by Dory
Chapter 18: The Brigands' Haunt 29:36 Read by Dory
Chapter 19: A Fight and a Rescue 31:42 Read by Dory
Chapter 20: The Avenger 44:16 Read by Dory


Such a lovely adventure

(5 stars)

I could listen to this story all day, trely amazing and gets your sense of adventure up. Now I want to go become a cowboy and explore the wild places of the world.

great story! incredible reader!

(5 stars)

I am now officially a G.A. Henty fan and a huge fan of this reader Dory! She is now on my favorite list! Thank you LibriVox and all you LibriVoxians!

another great Henty title.

(5 stars)

This was a good story and an interesting time and setting. The reader did a great job also.