Our Lady of the Pillar

Read by Leni

(3.9 stars; 5 reviews)

A ghost story and love story all at once, set in medieval Portugal. Don Ruy is in love with Dona Leonor, but her husband has guessed his feelings and hatches a plan. Don Ruy rides right into a trap, but on the way, a dead man joins him and saves his life. - Summary by Carolin (1 hr 23 min)


Preface and Chapter I 16:27 Read by Leni
Chapter II, part 1 29:47 Read by Leni
Chapter II, part 2 25:27 Read by Leni
Chapters III and IV 12:02 Read by Leni


Obscure Gothic fiction

(5 stars)

I think this story is a well written piece of gothic fiction. The author has an exciting way with words! I am looking for more works by this author. The reading and recording of the story is top notch. Thank you for the reading, it was very well read! Thank you for the introduction to the author also